Title: Common Knowledge
elucrehPairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared, your fangirls. Fangirls, I believe you already know Jared. Better than he knows himself.
Notes: Obviously, they belong to each other. Extended notes following epilogue.
1-The Con-going Fangirl ::
2-Filk ::
3-Fanreports ::
4-The Everyday Fangirl ::
5-Fic ::
6-The Fangirl Online ::
7-Rose-Colored Interviews ::
8-The Fangirl On-Set ::
Epilogue: The Kripked Fangirl::
CHAPTER SIX: The Fangirl Online
Jared knows it started as precautionary (okay, paranoid), this secret reading of his, and he knows approximately when he started reading purely for pleasure, too. He's okay with that. Some of these people are good. They write good stories, stories that make him laugh or hold him spellbound, and as a bonus those stories often include one or more of his friends, with a friendly mockery that he can grin to himself about later. It's just damn funny how many of the fans have Chad-accurately-pinned as a douche, but a good guy very deep down, and how Mike's exhibitionist tendencies fictionally translate to nuzzling Tom's ear in public. And so long as it's set in a fictional world, too, he can ignore the part where the guy has his name and is tall and dark-haired. Sort of.
And when he started sliding into reading other fics, stories set in the here-n-now, stories set when the show ends in three or five years, he can probably figure that out too...one of his favorite authors published a story and he didn't even squirm for a minute before he clicked. It's a little harder to ignore that this is about his life, here, but he's got into the habit.
What he can't figure out is just when, exactly, he went from being a reader, an observer, of the fandom, to being a part of it. There's a timestamp on his LJ, sure-it's only a sockpuppet, because he isn't crazy, and when the hell did he pick up what a sockpuppet was-but he's pretty sure that was only the blurp of the murk closing over the top of his head. He has his favorite authors friended, so he knows when they update or write something new; he leaves enthusiastic reviews on new chapters. He only dodged a beta request from Babyimpala by claiming a busy time in RL. (Which is technically true, after all; fifteen-hour days don't work themselves.) He knows the lingo now, and once he caught himself making a sound he suspects was a squee when "Jensen" finally grabbed "Jared" by the shirt in the WiP he's been following.
He really should be a lot more freaked out by this. A lot more freaked out by it. But...it's fun. Whatever their beliefs or fantasies or whathaveyou about his personal life, he likes these girls, who are articulate and unabashedly enthusiastic. Jared's favorite people have always been the ones that get involved with and excited about their favorite things, who aren't afraid to be called dorks or geeks because they're having too much fun to worry about what strangers might think of them. People who know how to care about something. He's never been able to stand girls who pick at their food, or guys who try to be "cool."
Hell, he asked Sandy out the day he overheard her breathlessly telling one of her friends on set about the "kickass" move she'd learned in her dance class that morning, still shiny with exercise and glowing with her sense of accomplishment. He'd just walked over and touched her on the elbow, dodging her ponytail as she turned her head, and let his suddenly-strong attraction shine through his face as he asked her if she'd come to dinner with him. And he'd known he and Jensen could be best friends as soon as they began to discuss their characters, a spark igniting under his co-star's skin when he talked about understanding Dean.
These people have that same fire in their souls, and if the Zippo to their tinder is...unusual, he can't fault them for it. They're becoming his friends. Hell, they already know him better than a lot of the guys he goes out drinking with do, have his moles and his hands memorized, and okay, that's still a little freaky-feeling. But on the other hand it's worth a lot to get on the computer after a crappy day and see, "Dear Jared Padalecki, You are made of all things win and awesome. Plz to keep it up always, you huge dork \o/ All my love, Me." It's certainly worth avoiding a few picspams.
More disconcerting are his moments of deja vu, their frequency increasing as he branches out, reads the recs sprinkled through RL entries and fic updates, reads fics by the recced authors. He'll be sitting in a bar playing darts while Jensen mocks Jared's team's record, or catch himself adding two sugars to Jensen's coffee without bothering to ask how Jensen wants it. His momma will ask him whether Jensen's coming down with him this time, and Jared will stop and watch his own hands, listen to his own voice, as his body does what his mind tells him only those nutty fangirls think he'd do.
Most worrying of all are the times he finds himself watching Jensen when he drops a Star Wars dvd in and grins over his shoulder as he presses play, or reaches up and tugs on one of Jared's early-morning bedheaded curls. Because with Jensen's face alight with affection, his body heat casual and close, the lines between fictional-Jensen and fact are damnably blurred.
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