Title: Rhyme and reason Pairing: Kurogane/Fai (eventually!) Fandom: TRC Genre: Angst? Notes: For the KuroxFai comm Summer Challenge. An AU inspired by the splash page for Chapitre 156 (of the twins). Summary: This fic is loosely (note: LOOSELY!) based on the Russian Revolution.
Title: Hide and Seek (4. Our distance and that person) Pairing: Lelouch/Suzaku Fandom: Code Geass (R2) Genre: Angst (I don't seem to write anything else...) Word Count:575 Notes: Warnings for writing style discrepancies. You'll probably also have to squint very hard to see the pairing at all. SPOILERS for episode 19 too, but
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Title: Just a little crazy, just a little insane (46. Medication) Pairing: Kurogane/Fai Fandom: TRC Genre: Angst Word Count: 1272 Notes: Beware. This seriously makes no sense. And please, never let a song fic hit me over the head again. Lyrics from Maroon 5's 'Must Get Out'. Summary: In truth, Kurogane didn't want to see. 50 Scenes TABLE
Title: Footsteps Pairing: None (Karen & Aoki?) Fandom: X/1999 Genre: Angst-ish Word Count: 239 Notes: Written at camp! Thus probably makes no sense. Summary: Where do our feet lead us?
6 X/1999 fics, based on canonish? pairings. Sorry, no Kakyou or Nataku!
Title: Jump Pairing: FKish Fandom: X/1999 Genre: Angst Word Count: 216 Notes: Probably makes no sense. Summary: Kamui has, is, and always will be chasing after Fuuma.
Title: Roundabout Pairing: Lelouch, Suzaku Fandom: Code Geass Genre: Gen Word Count: 153 Notes: I can't help it, Lelouch just oozes brattiness. *throws up hands in surrender* Summary: Lelouch learns from Day One that Suzaku is one of those people who require frankness to understand.
Title: Liar, liar Pairing: Squint if you're desperate for KuroxFai. Fandom: TRC Genre: Angst? Word Count: 261 Notes: Er. No exact spoilers, since it's based in Hanshin Republic. Summary: Fai can't tell a lie to save his life.
Title: Perfect timing Pairing: None. Fuuma, Yuuto (Seishirou somewhere out there) Fandom: X/1999 Genre: Random Word Count: 302 Notes: Inspired by the recent earthquake Summary: Seishirou had better not be late for their appointment.