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Aug 24, 2005 06:36

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What would _lassitude like to do for a living?...I don't actually know her.What do you find admirable about justclara?Everything! Her hair.What is controltower__ allergic to?Not being hot...?What is the strangest thing ttaayylloorrrrr has ever said to you?I can't think of anything because everything he says is odd.Is kxc evil?Oh fer sure.What's the biggest difference between ohcontraire and ghostparty?Their tits. What is downpore's favorite meal?Ama.What does eingebildet think of America's involvement in Iraq?It sucks but too bad she lives in a NO DEMOCRAT ZONE.Why shouldn't hotgluegun and isamonster be a couple?UHH. I think we know.Do you envy blueside613's job?With Amir? Oh. Yeah.kiesu is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?Explosions?!What kind of person would you set up with burnrubber?A wonderful one.Why would greyshaderose go to heaven but pixelbliss go to hell?nope. both going to hell. Love you girls.How long have you known yourpoetess?The longest I've known anyone.How many people has friendarmy seduced?Thousands. NO. MILLIONS.What is the most insightful thing you have heard cardhousewife say?She's a very insightful lady.Where do you think lifeasadoll is right now?Asleep.Where did _thebirds_ leave the remote?Inside a ball of knitting! Maybe! I actually have no idea!
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?

Oh no, a meme.
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