SERIES: Akai Ito

Feb 14, 2011 00:12


AKAI ITO: Here is my 2011 Valentine's Day gift to you all. So ... bypassing the fact that I do not necessarily like this day ... it is indeed an awesome day to write fictions about LOVE in itself, and we all know that love can be pretty, fluffly, and just aaaw, but it also can be angsty, nasty, and just buuu. So I createdt this series to analyze as many faces of love as I can. The goal is to write 7 fictions, one for each day of this Valentine's day but you know me, hopefully shit will not get in the way, but I'll try my best

So ... why is this named Akai Ito?

As you may and/or may not know Japan it is believed that lovers are tied together by a red thread, which is akai ito in Japanese. The person you are tied with is your destined lover, and there is a whole legend behind it, which you can go and read here --> Legend. Thus, as I thought about the red thread theory, and how they are all supposed to be so jumbled up together, making it hard to find the person at the other end ... I came up with 7 types of threads (each one of each is one of the aforementioned stories) associating each thread with a type of love. 
Being this a series, there is no particular order you have to read the stories (though if you'll follow this day by day, you'll have no choice uh? lol). However, given that some characters will be mentioned in different stories you might be able to see some type of connection.

WARNING: It is a total of 7 stories: 4 Happy, and 3 Sad (the type of thread and love should be an indication of whether the story will be happy or sad, BUT I'll write H for happy, and S for sad next to the type of thread just in case ...); because as I said, Love ain't a jolly matter for everyone so don't start sending me death letters for the sad stories please m(_ _  )m. LMAO


  • Invisible thread  (H) -  Purikura - [Saga (Alice Nine) / Nao (ex-Kagrra)]
  • Tangled thread  (S) -  Love-Addiction - [Yuuto (ex-ScReW) / Jin (ScReW)]
  • Overly-Stretched thread  (S) -  Small Talk - [Gackt / Miyavi ]
  • Short thread  (H) -  If ... - [Tsukasa [D'espairsRay) / Tatsurou (MUCC)]
  • Severed thread  (S) -  Timing - [Uruha (The GazettE) / Ruki (The GazettE)]
          PART I - PART II
  • Indestructible thread  (H) -  Anniversary - [Reita (The GazettE) / Kai (The GazettE)]
          PART I - PART II



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