Otherwise known as my writing archive. :D
~Fanfics~ [the GazettE]
ReminiscenceChapters: Oneshot
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Aoi x Uruha
Synopsis: Uruha thinks back on his short-lived relationship with Aoi.
Write Me A SongChapters: Oneshot
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Children None
Rating: PG
Characters: Ruki, a kid
Synopsis: Who ever thought it would be a good idea to let Ruki babysit a kid?
ConquestChapters: Oneshot
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Non-con, lots of cursing, sex
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Reita x Aoi
Synopsis: Reita basically jumps Aoi in an alleyway.
RewriteChapters: Oneshot (drabble)
Genre: Humor, crack?
Warnings: Implied smut
Rating: R
Pairings/Characters: Ruki, Kai
Synopsis: So this is what Ruki does in his spare time?
EnvyChapters: Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Character death
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Ruki
Synopsis: I envy you because I cannot follow you.
Ice FortressChapters: Oneshot (drabble)
Genre: Fluff? Slight angst?
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Ruki
Synopsis: Ruki lives in an ice fortress. (Sorry, there's not much I can say about a drabble like this, lol.)
Wherever You AreChapters: Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Identity disorder, abuse
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Ruki
Summary: Sometimes Ruki wished he could see just a little less of the real Reita.
Comments: Written for the AU fiction contest at
~15min drabbles~
Word prompts from
15_minute_fic .
#147 - [the GazettE] Reita/Ruki
#148 - [the GazettE] Reita/Ruki
#143 - [the GazettE] Reita
#145 - [the GazettE] Uruha (Kouyou)
#149 - [the GazettE] Kai
#150 - Warning: Mention of attempted suicide
#151 - [the GazettE] Ruki
#152 - [the GazettE] Ruki
#153 - [the GazettE] Aoi
#154 - [the GazettE] Aoi
~50 Stories~ [the GazettE] Aoi/Reita
Theme Set 001: Random words
#028: Jealousy -
Look Only at Me (R; oneshot; angst)
#044: Snow -
Snowflakes that Never Melt (G; oneshot; fluff)
"Love Story" "Envy" Obligatory disclaimer: All works are mine, the GazettE are not.
Last updated: 12/3/2010