Sep 25, 2009 18:15
- 19:57 I've been trying to do small things to waste time for the past 20 minutes. I'm out things to do and I still have 3 minutes left. #
- 20:00 Aaaand #Bones starts NOW! :D #
- 20:03 Eww, this is considerably more disgusting than usual. Also, cats are cute. #
- 20:06 State dude looks so familiar. What has he been on? #
- 20:08 Where the Wilds Things Are
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Sep 24, 2009 18:15
- 19:42 Well guess what, I'm not home. #
- 19:59 When no one is saying anything, my dad just has to bring up something to complain about. #
- 20:13 Finally home! Feels like I haven't been here in 3 days. #
- 20:43 RT @marcinmrowca If we put some kind of acid into all the cans of axe body spray,we could eliminate 60% of the douche population in 1 swoop. #
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Sep 23, 2009 18:15
- 19:23 @ xmandyvalentine what?? #
- 19:51 Going from sweaty volleyball practice to getting dressed up to standing in heels for houuurs talking to people I don't know. Unfun. #
- 20:36 My feet hurt so bad. Srsly, y'all. #
- 20:55 Anddd my headache has made a return. #
- 21:16 @ xmandyvalentine holy crap, then I probably got worse of a score than I got on our
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