WE're going form this
to this
or this
1. Sharpen your image once.
2. Duplicate your image and set it to screen 100%
3. Create a new layer. Fill it with #E3B2F1. Set it to color burn 100%
4. Create a new layer fill it with # A8977F. Set it to multiply 100%
5. Duplicate your image, drag it to the top, desaturate it and set it to multiply.
6. Curves
First point: 49,65
Secon point: 115,172
First point: 122,142
Secon point: 94,91
First point: 131,148
Secon point: 93,97
First point: 118,136
Secon point: 86,91
Marge all layers
7. I duplicated the image, desaturated it and erased Beyonce and that part which is blueish now.If tou want you can finish now and add text
If tou want you can finish now and add text or go on
8. Marge all layers.
9.Duplicate the image and desaturate it. Set it to screen and ove it to the left.
10. Now we have to use erase tool. We want to have only Beyonce's face
11. Use this texture. Set it to hard light and ove it down. Texture made by
12 Now create a new layer fill it with white and ove it up
add text and we are done :)
other tuts