Stamped as Harry Potter & Dana Scully // Avatar Theme

Jan 08, 2010 18:26

Name: Myst
Stamped as: Harry Potter & Dana Scully

"You have a strong heart; no fear. But stupid, like a child. "
Positive characteristics: Intelligent, compassionate, determined, loyal, creative, intuitive
Negative characteristics: Sarcastic, stubborn, temperamental, tendency to blame oneself at times
Neutral characteristics: I've been told I carry myself very confidently at times. I don't know if this is good or bad. Also, probably neutral because it goes both ways: I'm a slow-burn temper sort of person. I genuinely don't like hurting things (unnecessarily, that is - I'm not about to be nice if I'm threatened, for one) but upset me sufficiently and I will react - by tearing you to pieces. Verbally, at least. I've had people literally fall over a table trying to get away from me on the warpath, though.
Favorite things: Do you really want the list? Oh, OK.
Colours: Ice blue, cobalt blue, white, silver, gold, dark red, dark purple.
Not including books because I think I listed quite a few in the regular app.
Music: Schindler's List Theme, Terra's Theme (FFVI), Liminality from .hack//liminality, Eurydice by Sleepthief, Everyone's A Little Bit Racist from Avenue Q, Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera... the list goes on.
Dislikes: Three main ones. I know I say this in every community I join.

1. I despise wanton and unnecessary cruelty. I don't care what it is to. You shouldn't hurt another human being for your own amusement, and neither should you hurt any other animal for your own amusement. Honestly, the things people perpetrate on some of the stray cats here is just plain sick - you leave them alone, they leave you alone, you don't have to go out of your way to kill them messily. Ugh.

2. I treasure loyalty to my friends, and I'm part of a rather small and close-knit circle; you can probably see why I really dislike backstabbers.

3. If someone makes a mistake and you tell him off for it, it is only polite to stop once he's apologized. Yes. That's you. Shut up. He made a mistake; he got it, now I should think it's really, really rude to keep rubbing it in his face.

"Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream."
Pick one or the other; or both; or neither, just explain!
Brave/Safe: I wouldn't consider myself a coward, but I wouldn't consider myself brave, either... I think I could be brave if it meant some place safe to come home to for myself and others. Sometimes, you have to take a stand instead of running away.
Leader/Follower: Not-quite-either. Second-in-command-ish. I'll follow; but if I need to take the reins, I'll take the reins.
Down-to-Earth/Free-Spirited: I'm not quite sure how these are opposites... I can be fairly practical at times, but I enjoy having fun, too, and I'm assertive enough to have my own opinions... I guess that counts as a little of both.
Proud/Humble: I would say proud - in the sense that I'm confident that as a person, I have worth. I can be self-deprecating about my abilities, at times, but I'm confident that I am worth something as a person.
Compassionate/Insensitive: Compassionate.
Intellectual/Physical: Intellectual. The most physical things I've done... are... okay, five hours of trekking under the hot noon sun in good ol' Singapore weather - where it turned out I was the only one with enough common sense to bring extra water.
Materialistic/Not-Materialistic: Materialistic about certain things, which could arguably be construed as not-materialistic... Okay, I like books and stories. Read that how you will.
Loyal/Honorable: Isn't loyalty part of being honorable, assuming your morals coincide? Both.
Fighter/Lover: I'd fight for those I love.
Thinker/Doer: Thinker before doer; sometimes you have to put into practice what you think.
Gentle/Callous: Gentle.
Optimistic/Pessimistic/Idealistic/Realistic: Hey, first time I've seen all four at one go! Optimistic in that I believe tomorrow will be a better day; idealistic enough to believe that there are good and kind people and that everyone has a nicer side to them and that they can make a difference; realistic enough to know I'm never going to see it in most people.
Believer/Skeptic: It would really depend on the things you ask me to believe or disbelieve.
Tranquil/Hot-Tempered Relatively tranquil. I'm calm until you make me angry; like I said, slow-burn temper. Then I tear you apart. Unless you trigger a pet peeve straight off; like the guy who kept verbally abusing my friend on an online game because she was lagging. She could stand the abuse. I'm protective of my friends - I couldn't, and told him off. Loudly.

"Just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be too hard for you. "
Would you ever betray anyone, even for a good cause? Gods - I don't know, I told you I don't like backstabbers, but 'betrayal'... I honestly think that would depend on the situation, and who I might end up betraying, and why. I mean, play turncoat to save the lives of my family and friends? I'd be protecting them, so, probably - I wouldn't conceive of it as betraying my friends. Betrayal for money, no. Honestly all depends.
Do the ends justify the means? Depends on the ends, depends on the means.
What is more important to you? Family, friends, promises made? Family/friends.

"Does anyone see what's wrong with this picture? Where's my cigarette?"
Have you seen Avatar? Yes.
No: why not?
Yes: Try to be spoiler-free; what was your favorite part/scene/character? The training montage.
Yes: What’d you think of the movie The plot was cliche and obvious from five minutes into the movie, but I loved it anyway - Pandora was so wide and sweeping and utterly utterly gorgeous.

Anything else? Okay, off to vote on the rest.

Please list 3 people that you have voted for!
1. kaysoul
2. savaburry
3. wawwhite

[Voters: The options for this theme are here.]

[avatar], theme: avatar: trudy

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