Who: Akito and Tim and anyone else who wants to join in Where: Dining Room When: Day 1, past noon What: Detectiving! Warnings: Obligatory Agito warning. Otherwise TBA?
Now that noon had arrived, and with the appearance of the 'welcome' note, Tim was looking out for anything else of note. He doubted the logic of things suddenly changing without warning but... well, the 'welcome' was something. Because that probably meant someone was here, messing with them or otherwise. So that meant maybe they'd missed something-- or that maybe there was something new.
Besides, it wasn't like there was much else to do besides quadruple (or was it more by now?) check the surroundings.
So that was the logic that brought Tim back to the dining room (besides something to eat wouldn't hurt-- he'd put off eating because he didn't trust food in a strange place, but there wasn't a lot of choice, frankly). And once there, he spotted another boy, someone close-ish to his age. With just a small amount of surprise on his face, he waved and said, "hey there."
The light glanced up from the ruby rose he'd been looking at and smiled at seeing the other. He hadn't really met anyone that looked like they could be age (though they'd forever be taller than him, but he was good at guessing ages). "Hi!" he waved back happily. New people to meet!
Tim dropped his hand out of the wave when he got his response, moving a little bit closer to the other-- now that he noticed it, much smaller-- boy. He smiled, friendly enough, before he asked, "Doing some exploring?"
"Kinda, yup," he replied easily. "I've looked around everywhere, but this room's really neat. Lots of pretty things~" Akito liked his pretty things. This room held his attention a lot with them.
Tim smiled a little at that, nodding. "I guess so," he replied, looking around. He didn't really think of things in terms of pretty, but he could appreciate that the room was pretty amazing. It was just strange, too. "It's one of the nicer places, anyway."
"Yeah...that room with all the dolls is creepy." He shivered a little. Akito had thought them cute at first, but then he felt like they were watching him. Creeeeepy. He was sure this house was haunted.
"Yeah," Tim agreed with a quiet laugh. "Dolls have a thing about being... weird." Not that he was that bothered-- he'd certainly dealt with worse-- but that didn't make him comfortable around them. After a moment, he let out a small smile, and extended his hand to the other boy. "I'm Tim, by the way."
The light smiled and nodded agreement with that. Dolls were...strange.
"I'm Akito~" he replied to that. "It's nice to meet you, Tim-san." He wondered if the other boy had arrived at the same time he had, or a fey days after or even before.
"It's nice to meet you, Akito," he said, noting the nationality of the name. "And just 'Tim' is fine." He stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking the dining room over again, before he said, "You've been stuck here a while already?"
He thought a little on that. Akito really didn't like not using honorifics on people's names...it was rude, and the only one he was really close enough to that he didn't feel the need to was Agito. He didn't want to ignore what Tim had said, but still...
Thankfully he was distracted by that. "Mm. It's been five days since I got here, though the sun hasn't set." That still weirded him out a little.
Tim understood the system-- for the most part, at least, though his Japanese wasn't very good-- but it just felt odd. He didn't need any kind of respect, one way or another, attached to his name. Still, if it turned out Akito was more comfortable with it-- and it seemed he might be, based on that pause-- he'd not press the matter.
He frowned, a nodded. "It's a bit weird, but not impossible," he commented. "More or less the same for me, though, I think. Give or take a day or two."
"Yeah...I know there's places were the sun takes awhile to set, but they're really far away from Japan, and I don't remember being knocked out or going to sleep or anything..." And no one could teleport, that he knew of. Not really, anyway.
The light hummed and nodded. "I think most people got here at the same time...it's strange." He looked around, consulting his internal clock again before looking over to Tim once more.
"I think so, at least as far as I've seen," he replied. "The same 'few days' is basically the only answer I've heard." Tim shook his head, before he gave Akito a sidelong glance. "So you actually are from Japan?" he asked. "Like, were there before you got here?" This was pretty important to establish.
Akito thought on that a bit. If everyone here had only been here a few days, and with the dust and what-not pretty much also establishing that...what had happened to the people before?
The question pulled him out of that thought before it went too far though. "Yup. I was born there, and haven't ever gone to another country. We were in the middle of an AT battle before we got here." He idly tapped one of the wheels against the ground, glancing at them. One day soon he really needed to tune the Regalia...it was probably still set to Akira's riding style.
Tim let out a thoughtful noise, mulling that over in his head. "See, I'm from the States, and I was there even before we came here. So we're basically from opposite sides of the planet-- and yet here we are. And we've been here for roughly the same amount of time." Tim thought over the implications, having probably already thought aloud too much. He was trying to run over possibilities in his head.
"Those are AT?" he asked, glancing at the footwear.
"Huh...that's weird..." Akito was doing calculations in his head, talking in his mind with his other. If this was some sort of mass kidnapping, it had to be terribly organised...particularly if they hadn't noticed any time passing. Akito's inner clock could usually tell him even how long he'd been passed out for. For it to have not changed at all...odd.
Oh, being talked to. "Yup. Air Treck," he explained, glancing at them. "There's motors in the wheels. You can do all kinds of things with them." He wasn't too surprised to hear Tim hadn't heard about them. They probably just weren't as big in the States. Japan was often like that, getting everything before everyone else in the world.
Besides, it wasn't like there was much else to do besides quadruple (or was it more by now?) check the surroundings.
So that was the logic that brought Tim back to the dining room (besides something to eat wouldn't hurt-- he'd put off eating because he didn't trust food in a strange place, but there wasn't a lot of choice, frankly). And once there, he spotted another boy, someone close-ish to his age. With just a small amount of surprise on his face, he waved and said, "hey there."
"I'm Akito~" he replied to that. "It's nice to meet you, Tim-san." He wondered if the other boy had arrived at the same time he had, or a fey days after or even before.
Thankfully he was distracted by that. "Mm. It's been five days since I got here, though the sun hasn't set." That still weirded him out a little.
He frowned, a nodded. "It's a bit weird, but not impossible," he commented. "More or less the same for me, though, I think. Give or take a day or two."
The light hummed and nodded. "I think most people got here at the same time...it's strange." He looked around, consulting his internal clock again before looking over to Tim once more.
The question pulled him out of that thought before it went too far though. "Yup. I was born there, and haven't ever gone to another country. We were in the middle of an AT battle before we got here." He idly tapped one of the wheels against the ground, glancing at them. One day soon he really needed to tune the Regalia...it was probably still set to Akira's riding style.
"Those are AT?" he asked, glancing at the footwear.
Oh, being talked to. "Yup. Air Treck," he explained, glancing at them. "There's motors in the wheels. You can do all kinds of things with them." He wasn't too surprised to hear Tim hadn't heard about them. They probably just weren't as big in the States. Japan was often like that, getting everything before everyone else in the world.
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