1. Name:
2. Location:
3. Three positive adjectives you cannot say about yourself:
4. Three negative adjectives you cannot say about yourself:
5. Hobbies and/or Talents you absolutely do not possess:
6. Family or Money:
7. Optimistic or Pessimistic:
8. Courageous or Cowardly:
9. Feminine or Masculine:
10. Seductive or Innocent:
11. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?:
12. Previously stamped as::
Least Like Theme Stamped Members List*
Ambassador Mercy
annabattista ♥ Aunt Victoire & Aunt Sophie
* None *
Comtesse de Noailles
* None *
Comtesse de Provence
arowanbug ♥ Count Axel von Fersen
* None *
Duc de Choiseul
* None *
Duchesse de Polignac
fegie ♥meezardra ♥darkmignonette ♥ Empress Maria Theresa
* None *
Joseph II
* None *
Louis XV
biznessman_alfa ♥ Louis XVI
peppermintspoon ♥ Madame du Barry
killerqueen ♥ Marie-Antoinette
* None *
Princesse de Lamballe
analu_phantom ♥happylicious91 ♥ Least Like Theme Stamps*
Least Like Theme Stamp Maker*