quiz yo's

Feb 15, 2006 21:48

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1) What comic book character would cpgurlie03 be? hmmm none probably
2) What is heathelee73's biggest flaw? she's white trash lol playin
3) Are shawnathon and breyant going steady? pretty sure he's my man shawn, sorry! LOL
4) What is heathelee73's shoe size? i'm going to guess an 8
5) Could you see cp_diva and breyant together? once again, y'all get off my man!
6) How would sapphiresnroses conquer the world? She would give an executive order by nodding
7) Does audralina have a crush on dscully123? haha both are females with boyfriends butcha never know...
8) Does dscully123 smoke? only to piss off mat haha
9) Would you make out with jrplaya8503? yes have once but i was drunk
10) What flavor of jello would shawnathon be? mixed fruit
11) Are topthrillkevin and shawnathon married? hmmm...i'm gonna go with no
12) Do you have a crush on neilface? nope
13) When did you last call incitehawaii? i live with him
14) Does sapphiresnroses do drugs? if she does i want to know where she got her piss from for cp drug test
15) What is ryan3344 allergic to? no clue
16) Would you set up isdragsteropen and sapphiresnroses? that would be interesting...what do you think andrea?
17) Is jazzlesweets19 an emo? definitely
18) Have you flirted with neilface? no
19) Would you wrestle wickedmatt02 in jello? ummm no but i would felch him in jello ;)
20) Have you ever dated morpheus0274? in my dreams
21) Does valerielockhart have a big secret? who doesn't
22) Where did you first meet cpgurlie03? dragster
23) Does jmo0204 go to your school? nope
24) What animal does mysummermind remind you of? not sure on that one...i'll get back to ya
25) What rank would jazzlesweets19 have in a giant robot army? pretty high up haha i dunno
26) If ms_madeline21 had a superpower, what would it be? to get rid of all petty people in the world
27) What would you do if you found out ryan3344 has a crush on you? be like "shut the fuck up"
28) What song/movie would you recommend to ptnympho? nymphos are us
29) Which of your friends should jazzlesweets19 go out with? i have no straight friends on here barely
30) What video game does dscully123 remind you of? her driving reminds me of grand theft auto where you run over light posts and stuff haha love you, mean it
31) Is ryan3344 in a relationship? i think so
32) Did morpheus0274 break up with you? yes sadly lol playin corey
33) Does cpgurlie03 drink? sometimes
34) What animal should jrplaya8503 be combined with? wtf? this isn't bestiality
35) How would neverneverlnd kill ptnympho? they would get in a cat fight
36) What mental disorder does audralina remind you of? um none
37) Is breyant dead sexy? SEXY w/ a capital S-love you babe
38) What is rebekah615's favorite food? a dutch burger lol i dunno
39) Is shawnathon single? yes
40) If crzchrisbll was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? godzilla who knows
41) Is jewelsann a high school student? no
42) If ptnympho took over the world, who would be happy? everyone who isn't cp management
43) Is heathelee73 related to you? no
44) Is cp_diva a college student? no
45) One thing you can't stand about morpheus0274? nothing corey's cool
46) Is ptnympho a nerd? lol no
47) rcfreak's hair color? really dark brown
48) What languages does ptnympho speak? only english that i am aware of
49) Do you have breyant's screenname? lol yeah cuz it's breyant
50) What would ryan3344 give spicygur069 for his/her birthday? i don't think they hang out
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