1-You read way too smart of books to be as athletic as you are 2-Who can it be now? 3-Lime 4-Way to lead those girl scouts Sam 5-sitting across from you at lab saftey training and staring at your diabetes shirt becaues I didn't want to listen to not pipetting by mouth 6-tortoise 7-How is it that you never seem sad, even when things just aren't working out for you?
1-Sci Fi is for people who can't face reality 2-Summer Song-David Lanz! 3-Peanutbutter cup 4-Oh no! I got spaghetti sauce on my straight jacket! 5-Sitting at the black chairs (you were late my dear) thinking "Oh man, what did Rebecca get me into? This girl is going to be so prissy and sorority like and I'm going to have to live with her next year?" and then you showed up in your blue bandana and I was like "Thank you god!" 6-snail 7-Where do your writing ideas come from?
1-Randomness? I don't think I have a random bone in my body, therefore, I can't say anything random to Evan because together we can't be random, and therefore... 2-Hakuna Matata 3-coke flavored 4-I'm saving you for senior year...that would be now 5-Laundry room in mudge. My mom told me that people in college steal your laundry so I was waiting for it to finish and you convinced me to leave it and to play cards with you 6-bonobo monkey 7-So where exactly is your favorite place to eat lunch?
1-Buggy is an art. You work all year perfecting, scuplting, molding, shaping this magical device, and once a year, you allow all your hard work to be viewed by the masses, accumulating to 2:08 glorious min of triump, when you are on top of the world. No one can take away the fact that you are, indeed, a winner, because your sacrafices will take you wherever you want to go 2-You've got a friend in me 3-pesto 4-Mike, your hands are cold! And can you get me my tshirt? 5-Orientation Freshman year. Funny, neither one of us became a chemical engineer. I didn't even take the intro class (haha). I sat down next to you because of your blue shirt and you looked friendly and then I ran into you on the clipper ship and we talked and walked the entire night! 6-flamingo 7-What are you going to do when we don't live right near eachother anymore?
1-Your have the strongest bladder I've ever seen (or haven't seen, it's all relative) 2-Build me up Buttercup (I need you, I need you, more than anyone darling, know that I have from the start...) 3-Rum and Coke (i'd win, you'd be too busy eating it!) 4-"There's a chugging contest! I'm so in!!!" 5-Machine shop, Rory going "So who's 21?" and you going "Oh oh oh, I am!!!!!!" 6-Kangaroo 7-So when is this party at Wells anyway?
Comments 11
2-Who can it be now?
4-Way to lead those girl scouts Sam
5-sitting across from you at lab saftey training and staring at your diabetes shirt becaues I didn't want to listen to not pipetting by mouth
7-How is it that you never seem sad, even when things just aren't working out for you?
2-Summer Song-David Lanz!
3-Peanutbutter cup
4-Oh no! I got spaghetti sauce on my straight jacket!
5-Sitting at the black chairs (you were late my dear) thinking "Oh man, what did Rebecca get me into? This girl is going to be so prissy and sorority like and I'm going to have to live with her next year?" and then you showed up in your blue bandana and I was like "Thank you god!"
7-Where do your writing ideas come from?
2-Hakuna Matata
3-coke flavored
4-I'm saving you for senior year...that would be now
5-Laundry room in mudge. My mom told me that people in college steal your laundry so I was waiting for it to finish and you convinced me to leave it and to play cards with you
6-bonobo monkey
7-So where exactly is your favorite place to eat lunch?
2-You've got a friend in me
4-Mike, your hands are cold! And can you get me my tshirt?
5-Orientation Freshman year. Funny, neither one of us became a chemical engineer. I didn't even take the intro class (haha). I sat down next to you because of your blue shirt and you looked friendly and then I ran into you on the clipper ship and we talked and walked the entire night!
7-What are you going to do when we don't live right near eachother anymore?
Sam's co-leader :)
2-Build me up Buttercup (I need you, I need you, more than anyone darling, know that I have from the start...)
3-Rum and Coke (i'd win, you'd be too busy eating it!)
4-"There's a chugging contest! I'm so in!!!"
5-Machine shop, Rory going "So who's 21?" and you going "Oh oh oh, I am!!!!!!"
7-So when is this party at Wells anyway?
And I'll keep ya posted on the par-tay...but oh will it be big!! Already got Turdy interested in helping out :)
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