Sorted: 134 topics. Blame the Cat(s).
- done! _hannelore wrote Post-Hogwarts Harry/Remus. First date and first kiss. Like common folk. for amanuensis1
- done! absurdwords wrote Professor Flitwick - "A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed." for redscharlach
- done! alchemine wrote Xmas 1940, Hogwarts. First-year Hagrid finds five Muggle kids fleeing London Blitz for amelia_eve
- done! allemande wrote Quote: "Good friends help you move. Best friends help you move bodies." for quizzicalsphinx
- done! amanuensis1 wrote 'That which doesn't kill us, only makes us *stranger*' for theladyfeylene
- done! amelia_eve wrote a "loving tribute to a sadistic crone" for no_remorse
- done! anaid_rabbit wrote Keep your enemies close. Keep their pets even closer... for annephoenix
- done! annephoenix wrote The death of Phineas Nigellus for rhionae
- done! azriona wrote the Tonks family - Andromeda, Nymphadora, Ted - family life etc. for kizzib
- done! bethbethbeth wrote Snape - poisoning pigeons in the park for thistlerose
- done! biichan wrote Moody/Harry - Harry discovers there are things worse than Snape... for fluffyllama
- done! bryonyraven wrote Petunia/Lucius - the reason Petunia hates magic for medusalethe
- done! bryonyraven_ and sor_bet wrote "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!" Hufflepuffs only, gen, dark. for livii
- done! bubbletech, lysrouge and marksykins wrote Harry/Ron - nail varnish for shocolate
- done! capslock_harry wrote In the face of unspeakable horror, Harry asks himself 'What Would Dumbledore Do?' for lizardlaugh
- done! cluegirl wrote Snape critiques his lover's sexual prowess (or lack thereof) for sullacat
- done! clwshorty01 wrote Theodore Nott likes to tease Lavender Brown because he actually likes her for hermione_like
- done! corvidae9 and skuf wrote Ginny & Tonks out-prank Gred n' Forge for kagyakusha
- done! demeter918, kagyakusha and gehayi wrote "Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." (quote by Jack Handy) for furiosity
- done! donnaimmaculata wrote Severus finds Remus's comic book collection for ellid
- done! dsneyvoice wrote Tonks/Harry for ____veinity
- done! earenwe wrote Bill and Egyptian Magic for scribbulus_ink
- done! ella_bane wrote Wizard art(ists) for pauraque
- done! ellid wrote Seamus discovers a passion for needlepoint, and learns he shares it with Goyle for valis2
- done! ellid and sor_bet wrote Draco is a Maoist for vassilissa
- done! enelya_oronar wrote Why did Dumbledore turn down Minister for Magic? for gwendolyngrace
- done! erised1810 wrote Mandrakes for mooders
- done! finmagik and wyoming_knott wrote Even Minerva McGonagall was young once. She does her best to forget that. for inthesewalls
- done! florahart wrote CAPSLOCK/Harry OTP!11!!!! for capslock_harry
- done! florahart wrote Tonks/Percy, drunkenness for tabigarasu
- done! fluffyllama wrote Sirius/Regulus, full of imagery and hot sex for underlucius
- done! frek wrote Fawkes has never been in love like this before. NEVER! for tinderblast
- done! frogslayr wrote Snape's obsessed with Draco, but he only has eyes for Harry Potter for rosesanguina
- done! furiosity wrote Neville Longbottom - the bravest of them all for bryonyraven
- done! fyre_bird wrote Harry's chatty mirror reveals more than it should to Snape for tboy
- done! gaeta wrote Sirius/Voldemort - Fetch, boy! for maeglinyedi
- done! gaeta, tboy and stiletto wrote Severus joins a 12-step group, and to his annoyance meets (character); sex and coffee ensue for kalieris
- done! galba wrote So what exactly is an inappropriate charm to cast on a goat? for allemande
- done! gmth wrote Adult twins/Alive Sirius - perfect day for a bananafish for mulberry_fields
- done! greyangel wrote Snape tells McGonagall everything for alchemine
- done! gwendolyngrace wrote Some odd celestial event makes everyone in the wizarding world gay for 24 hours for gmth
- done! hermione_like wrote Percy's hair for demeter918
- done! hilarita wrote The Adventures of Sirius (& possibly James&Remus&Peter. If they stop being wankers and SHARE THE PORN) for nimori
- done! hildigunnur wrote "Hermione," Ron said, rubbing his neck in nervousness. "Can I try something out on you?" for clwshorty01
- done! ideom wrote The last conversation Sirius had with Snape was about Lupin. for lazy_neutrino
- done! ideom wrote Minerva gets revenge on Umbridge for greyangel
- done! inthesewalls wrote Rebel without a clue! teenage Sirius (think John Bender from the Breakfast Club if possible) for elflikebertrum
- done! jackoweskla wrote "Who do you know that's lost a buttock?" for biichan
- done! jedilora wrote Anthony Goldstein, new underwear, Ravenclaw quirks (or kinks) for sor_bet
- done! jessikins4774 wrote Padma Patil/Theodore Nott - post-war for sihaya_
- done! jetamors wrote Regulus Black overhears a conversation for heathersy
- done! jetamors wrote Severus Snape falls in love with Millicent Bulstrode for finmagik
- done! juice817 wrote Susan/Ginny for lnx_equals_1
- done! kagyakusha wrote Neville Longbottom under the sorting hat for madammalfoy
- done! kalieris wrote Snape/Harry - Mrs. Norris has kittens for snapetoy
- done! kizzib wrote Charlie's first dragon sighting for erised1810
- done! la_fono drew Snape: in another time and place for luthien67
- done! lazy_neutrino wrote Young Tom Riddle, insecurity, serious-ish, needful, alone, power, desire for vivien529
- done! leogryffin wrote Peter/Petunia for azriona
- done! lilacsigil wrote Petunia discovers what Dudley saw when he was confronted by the Dementors for jackoweskla
- done! littlewings04 wrote Someone Polyjuices into Harry, Harry walks in. Pairing can be any common-ish Harry slash pair. for marksykins
- done! livii wrote Remus gives Sirius a pet kitten for ideom
- done! lizardlaugh wrote Suspicious looking pink biscuits. Perhaps with frosting. for bubbletech
- done! lnx_equals_1 wrote Hermione doing research for melodylemming
- done! lolaraincoat wrote Hermione/Minerva, post Hogwarts, with Hermione taking the lead for la_fono
- done! luminousmarble wrote PP/PP/PP/PP/PP/PP: Pansy Parkinson/Parvati/Padma/Peter Pettigrew/Poppy Pomfrey/Piers Polkiss for rosefyre
- done! luthien67 wrote "Give me the dagger." for hilarita
- done! lysrouge wrote Ron/Giant Squid - Under the cool, blue moon. for frek
- done! mad_and_crazy wrote Vernon. Albus. Petunia. Lemon lube. for the_gentleman
- done! madammalfoy wrote Ted Tonks/Bellatrix Lestrange. At Hogwarts. for jetamors
- done! maeglinyedi wrote The Sorting Hat wonders if it made a mistake. for fyre_bird
- done! magic_beans wrote Hell is paved with good intentions/Our first and last love is... self-love. :) HP/DM or RL/SB(JP a+) for sideviewhotel
- done! mamadeb wrote Snape to Harry: "The truth is fluid, the truth is subjective." for earenwe
- done! marksykins wrote sometimes Draco is jealous of Zacharias Smith for terrierhead
- done! marprelate wrote Remus, Sirius, and a spell gone awry. Gen or slash, any rating. for thunderemerald
- done! mary_re wrote Harry/Sirius. Turtles. for wyoming_knott
- done! mayhap wrote any Riddle pairing, absinthe and toast for breakfast for strangefrontier
- done! medusalethe wrote Snape's allergies for anjali_organna
- done! melannen wrote Pince knows everything that happens in the library, and that's why she hates her job. for lolaraincoat
- done! memorycharm wrote Hermione/Remus sex with Ron watching. R to NC-17 for webbapettigrew
- done! merrycontrary wrote Ron/Ginny - Their secret cave in the woods for snitchnip_chill
- done! mulberry_fields wrote Harry/Neville and Sirius' broken mirror for tinkerpixy
- done! nimori wrote Hagrid teaches Draco how to wash Fang properly; Draco can't rinse very well for ella_bane
- done! no_remorse, mulberry_fields and mybrokenlocket wrote How long had it been since Severus Snape had been touched? for bethbethbeth
- done! not_sally wrote Ron develops a craving for something he'd never enjoyed before. for mamadeb
- done! obsessed1 wrote Bill/Snape, up againt the wall for leogryffin
- done! pauraque wrote Snape and Black haunt Lupin for gaeta
- done! puddingcat wrote Sirius/Remus, Gryffindor ties for xylodemon
- done! quizzicalsphinx wrote Narcissa spanking Lucius for anaid_rabbit
- done! r0usku wrote Snape slash: "You shut your mouth, how can you say I go about things the wrong way?" for stiletto
- done! rane_ab wrote Neville's grandmother at Borgin and Burkes for absurdwords
- done! redscharlach wrote Trelawney/anyone. In which it is proved she's not as stupid as everyone thinks for rane_ab
- done! rhionae wrote Not human, but living at Hogwarts. for lilacsigil
- done! ringspells wrote Neville/Seamus, connections for lysrouge
- done! rosefyre wrote Voldemort/Quirrell/Dumbledore, mind fuck for galba
- done! rosesanguina wrote Voldie/Draco "Malfoys don't do spam." for magic_beans
- done! scary_sushi wrote Mrs Norris' favourite Slytherin. for marprelate
- done! shocolate wrote "Else how can he keep up his tail perpendicular, Or spread out his whiskers, Or cherish his pride?" for frogslayr
- done! scribbulus_ink wrote Remus/Ron, "The mirror crack'd from side to side" for sweetrickitten
- done! seelechen wrote ABBA lyrics, Peeves/male Ravenclaw for luminousmarble
- done! selinakyle47 wrote Pansy, outside looking in for mary_re
- done! senji wrote Mrs. Norris is in heat. Hogwarts is in trouble. (bonus for some variation of the q-tip treatment.) for melannen
- done! shocolate wrote Harry/Ron, the other use for avocados… for skuf
- done! sideviewhotel wrote Bellatrix/Ginny - preferably involving a fucked up Ginny and perhaps a cameo by dark!Harry for starrysummer
- done! sipthesoup wrote A photo album holds more than just pictures. for jedilora
- done! skuf wrote Ron/Viktor - talons, tea leaves, and ties for tarie
- done! snapetoy wrote Snape. "Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong." for jessikins4774
- done! snitchnip_chill wrote "Oh Potter, you rotter, oh what have you done?" Include naughty, crooning Ron and make it dirty. for r0usku
- done! sor_bet wrote Ron/Draco and a tin of corned beef for hildigunnur
- done! starrysummer wrote Justin Finch-Fletchly: "You once thought of me as a white knight on a steed..." for littlewings04
- done! stiletto wrote Detention with Moody. Should include Secrecy Sensor/Foe-Glass!kink. for sipthesoup
- done! strangefrontier wrote Snape, "...a topic for somebody else to *dribble* on" for puddingcat
- done! sullacat wrote The morals that they worship will be gone. for ringspells
- done! sweetrickitten wrote Harry/Sirius - Veracity for cluegirl
- done! tabigarasu wrote Snape/Luna: "She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them." for merrycontrary
- done! tarie wrote Draco/Ron, mistaken identity, cursed broomstick for memorycharm
- done! tartanshell wrote Smackdown: Bestia vs Mrs. Norris for labellerose
- done! tboy wrote To forgive may be divine, but retribution is so much sweeter for obsessed1
- done! terrierhead wrote Snape's self-baked cookies for scary_sushi
- done! theladyfeylene wrote Lavender Brown/Firenze for mayhap
- done! thistlerose wrote Hedwig is jealous of Harry's new love life. Featuring love! compassion! Mrs. Norris! for _hannelore
- done! thunderemerald wrote partner swapping for senji
- done! tinderblast wrote Filch/Flitwick, flying farting fabulously frosty frogs fleeing Fortescue's for florahart
- done! tinkerpixy wrote Neville drinks the contents of his cauldron for enelya_oronar
- done! underlucius wrote slashy OT6 baby! for not_sally
- done! valis2 wrote Snape/Sirius Fluff. So sweet it drips sugar on the carpet. for xavantina
- done! vassilissa wrote Does Neville love his Mimbulus Mimbletonia too much? Cross-pollination. for seelechen
- done! vivien529 wrote Crookshanks "borrows" Hermione's Time-turner for wolf_cat
- done! webbapettigrew wrote a drabble including the line "I won't say I'm in love" for selinakyle47
- done! webbapettigrew wrote Hermione misuses a muggle artifact for ctorres
- done! wolf_cat wrote Harry/Ron/Hermione, post-Hogwarts, Harry & Ron return home after an away match to a surprise from Hermione for dsneyvoice
- done! wyoming_knott wrote Dumbledore's beard. Used, somehow, in a sexual situation. Dumbledore/any. Bonus for beard!bondage for tartanshell
- done! xavantina wrote Dudley, Bill - "Let go of the wand and turn around slowly." for donnaimmaculata
- done! xylodemon wrote Cedric Diggory/Cho Chang, with necromancy and 'correct use of shovels' for mad_and_crazy
Add your drabbles as comments to this post within the next 24 hours.
- Post your drabble as a comment here.
- Put the name of the person you're writing it for in the comment subject line: i.e. this drabble is for _____. (Don't use the lj user tag, it doesn't work in subject lines.)
- Before the drabble itself, please indicate...Topic: (as given to you in this post)
Word count: (100, ideally)
Rating: (and warnings, if any)
- Then you may post your drabble anywhere else you like, of course.
- If you find your topic confusing, go ask the person who made it up to explain.
- Art instead of writing is okay. You decide what the art equivalent of 100 words is.
- You have 24 hours to write: from midnight April 17 to midnight April 18, British time. [
What time is it over there now?] Any topics still unwritten by then will become available as an open challenge for anyone.
Readers&Reviewers, Lurkers, Innocent Bystanders: prepare to see this post explode with over 13,000 words of great diversity. Enjoy! Because the big black cat is six years old, and the little tabby cat is one year old - and that's a good thing. Happy Cat's Birthday! :)