Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon II

Apr 17, 2005 00:00

Sorted: 134 topics. Blame the Cat(s).

Add your drabbles as comments to this post within the next 24 hours.

- Post your drabble as a comment here.
- Put the name of the person you're writing it for in the comment subject line: i.e. this drabble is for _____. (Don't use the lj user tag, it doesn't work in subject lines.)
- Before the drabble itself, please indicate...Topic: (as given to you in this post)
Word count: (100, ideally)
Rating: (and warnings, if any)
- Then you may post your drabble anywhere else you like, of course.
- If you find your topic confusing, go ask the person who made it up to explain.
- Art instead of writing is okay. You decide what the art equivalent of 100 words is.
- You have 24 hours to write: from midnight April 17 to midnight April 18, British time. [What time is it over there now?] Any topics still unwritten by then will become available as an open challenge for anyone.

Readers&Reviewers, Lurkers, Innocent Bystanders: prepare to see this post explode with over 13,000 words of great diversity. Enjoy! Because the big black cat is six years old, and the little tabby cat is one year old - and that's a good thing. Happy Cat's Birthday! :)

cat's birthday drabblethons

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