valentines day... i was sick as shit so we couldnt do what scott had planed for me. i was pretty bummed. but i did get a dog for valentines day.. its fake :(.. idk im kinda down latly. i want to go out and do something.
i would really like to start hanging out with more friends. and making new friends. im getting bored with myself and i need to start having some fun.
everything has been great but i just feel like i need one of those nights that is amazing. and will give me something positive to talk and think about. drunk or sober.
things are nice. everything is going in the right direction :)
im home alone again tonight. i need to get a blow up boyfriend when mine is out of town. i reorganized the living room and tired to do the same in our room. eh
i have really bad trust problems. and iwant to be able to trust people that are close to me but im to scard im going to get hurt again. its hard to let my guard down. everything has been good. im glad that things are working out with scott and myself. hopfuly things stay like this.... i have to go to work :(
the one thing that i hate the most is the fact that guys are so sex craved. i just dont see the big deal of going out of my way to look at naked people and to download a shit load of porn. its rediculous. and its uncomfortable for me. k thanks. im sure this will probley be taking way out context