Blood tests done. Team move at work complete. Still awaiting clinic appointment but that's next week. However was copied into a letter from clinic to health centre this week
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I got a call from my health centre at the beginning of the week - the clinic had written to them asking for blood tests to be done. I got punctured for this purpose Wednesday. Yesterday I got home to a letter from the clinic. My next therapist appointment is the beginning of December. Longer away than I would like, but [shrugs
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1) A couple of years ago I was new in my job but lucky enough to be selected to mentor at a few other offices. A few people I met I stayed in some contact with via facebook. Recently one of them emailed me to say that she was going to be visiting my office for a few days as part of training. We organised to meet up after work last night for some
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I've lost 2kgs, built up some muscle, applied for a promotion at work, been following an entirely new paradigm when it comes to what I eat. In hindsight I've been distracting myself. But hey, I look better so I don't care
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Well I seem to have fallen out of the habit of writing here, so I don't really know where to start. Even taking the Mad Hatter's advice of starting at the beginning and when I get to the end to stop.
But my mental health has spiralled down. I'm still not in a place right now where I can really write about it, but I have started and restarted so many posts in recent weeks that I just haven't been able to commit fully to the page
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