quiz thing

Sep 03, 2005 00:31

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is nsupergirl23 single? nope
2) Are mrexcitement_ds and sherbertlemon going out? no
3) What is sherbertlemon allergic to? i'm not sure...hmm
4) What is crazy__asian's shoe size? 8 or 8 and a half?? maybe i'm way off
5) If fritzel2736 took over the world, who would be happy? NOBODY
6) What video game does wynne_mack remind you of? not sure..
7) If cowpenguin was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? ME! polar bear vs. brown bear...i can see it now :P
8) How tall is sherbertlemon? 5'4"??
9) Is fritzel2736 dead sexy? hell yes...
10) What would battleaxemaxx do differently in your shoes? rock out
11) What is fritzel2736's favorite band/artist? sum 41 or american hi-fi :P
12) Does fritzel2736 do drugs? where do you think all of us music wing kids get our stuff?
13) Is cowpenguin related to you? i wish...lol
14) Is fritzel2736 a nerd? Oh yeah
15) Did drumonkey1 break up with you? nope
16) Does sherbertlemon_ have a crush on skaforeverness? nope
17) How long would cowpenguin dating mrexcitement_ds last? mmm i dont know..
18) One quality you find attractive in fritzel2736? um i cant think of anything...wow :P
19) What comic book character would drumonkey1 be? the multicolored, badass drumming dog that i colored
20) What would you do if you found out chriscross1808 has a crush on you? run away...haha just kidding : )
21) How would fritzel2736 kill nsupergirl23? slitting her throat with a letter opener thing
22) What exotic animal would theatrefan87 like as a pet? a liger....
23) What is skaforeverness's favorite game? no idea :P
24) Is cowpenguin friends with crazy_asian? not sure anymore
25) Have you flirted with chriscross1808? i just cant help myself :P just kidding
26) Is crazy__asian popular? i'm sure she is : )
27) If fritzel2736 took over the world, who would suffer? EVERYONE
28) If fritzel2736 and cowpenguin were spliced together, what would be its name? fritzpenguin..or cowzel
29) Is cowpenguin athletic? yeah that little dancing queen
30) Which of your friends should theatrefan87 go out with? hmm im not sure
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