Texting Part 5

Feb 10, 2010 17:19

Title: Texting Part 5
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Rating: PG-13 language I suppose but even that's not that bad.
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: Just random texts between Kurt and Puck
A/N: Sorry this are kinda bad... There's really no excuse for it I've just been way out of it since Tuesday night. Hopefully the next part will be better... sorry again

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Same deal as always, Kurt is in italics and Puck in Bold! ENJOY!

I hate our friends.

They aren’t that bad.

They robbed me of a full day of our weekend together. A FULL DAY

The caps is not necessary.

But, they spent ALL of Saturday at your house… They KNEW I was going to be there and that your dad was out of town. They showed up so they could keep us apart!


Okay? All you have to say to that is okay?


You’re hiding something

No I’m not.

Then why are you only answering in short texts, it’s not you.

Just distracted. Class does tend to do that

Liar. You’re great at multi-tasking.

Why thank you. You’re such a great boyfriend.

What are you hiding?



Not getting in a fight with you

Fine. Then I’m done. I’ll talk to you after class



What don’t I know?

I called Mercedes and asked her to invite everybody over

I don’t know why I did it… I just wasn’t ready to spend a FULL weekend with you.

Wanna know a secret?


I called Mike and Matt

Then why did you get mad when everybody came over?

Because I didn’t want you to know

Why did you call them?


Because why?

Because this is the first REAL relationship I’ve been in and I didn’t want to screw it up and I thought that if we spent ALL weekend together then I might push you too far or something and then I’d lose you… wow, it’s a lot easier to say these kinda things over texts when I can’t see your face…

I love you. It’s a sill fear because there’s no way you’d ever lose me, unless you cheat on me, but besides that, you’ll never lose me and I love you! <3 <3 <3

I’d never cheat on you babe.

You better not

Besides, not sure if I could find a guy, or girl, with an ass that looks as good as yours!

You’re so shallow sometimes…

And you know you love me for it!

Sadly, I think you’re right.


Can I skip practice?

Which one?

Oh yeah! I forgot about glee practice

You forgot?

I’ve had a stressful day. I think we should just go home and sleep

Noah Puckerman, wants to go home and just SLEEP?

Shut it

Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?

Fine, we should go home and I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week.

As fun as that sounds, I think I’ll have to pass.

On the sex or the sleeping?

Both. I told my dad that I would help in the shop today.


Don’t pout Noah.

I’m not

Yes you are and we’ve gone over this. You’re only cute when you pout when I can see you.

You could come home with me and watch me pout

No Noah. I have to work.

Fine, but you owe me.


I’m so addicted to all the things you do. When you roll around with me, in between the sheets

I know you’re at work but I’m BORED!

I think I’ll just keep texting you even though I know you won’t respond.

Only if you leave me sweet texts telling me how AWESOME I am

I thought you were working.

You’re either ignoring me or working.

Sigh, You make me come. You make me complete. You make me completely miserable.

One. I’m working but am texting you when I have free time and two, I didn’t know how miserable I made you.

You don’t. I just wanted to complete the song. Only the first two things are true. The first one very much so.

Maybe I’ll just quote songs for you.

Only if the songs are good songs.

Baby, every song I listen to is a good song

I beg to differ.

Whatever! You’re just jealous that my music is as awesome as you are!

Hmmm… Your eyes the one that took me by surprise the night you came into my life when there’s moonlight I see your eyes.

I like this idea.

Anything to make you smile.

You spoil me so well

It’s what I do. Besides, I figure if I say a lot of sweet things you’ll let me spend the night.

Or, you could come over here and spend the night, but I’m better at sneaking around then you.

So, it’d have to be at your house because I don’t want you to ruin any of your clothes.

That’s sweet but I think I’d like to sleep tonight

But, whenever I’m not near you, my heart aches because when you aren’t in my arms, I miss you.

You are my heart and you are my soul

I hate being apart because it feels like part of me is missing.

Fine, you can spend the night.


character: kurt hummel, title: t, texting, type: crack, glee, pairing: kurt/puck, rating: pg-13, character: puck

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