I need to register for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), but I can't decide which one to sign up for. Basically there are 4 levels, with level 1 being insane fluency (you're Japanese would be better than the average Japanese person) and 4 being you can breathe and you've taken a class or two. Obviously there are some rather large
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Sometimes the Japanese judicial system makes me so freakin' mad...this excerpt is from a site called debito.org, which is run by a naturalized Japanese citizen (originally he was American) who is currently one of the loudest voices in the country when it comes to foreigner/human rights
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First of all, I'm fine, the earthquake woke me up this morning, but the epicenter was on the other side of the country. Wasn't all that intense in Tokyo, but it lasted a good 20 seconds...good times
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I saw this post, and I just had to share. It should illustrate why, despite a lot of fun times, I'm glad that I'm not working with young Japanese children this time around
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I just sent out an email with my new address in Japan. If you didn't get it, that means that I don't have a current email address for you (about half of what was in my address book ended with oxy.edu...), so send me a quick email at mermaidinjapan@yahoo.com so I can add you
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