Doujinshi - Snow

Sep 25, 2008 22:45

Here I am again! ^o^

First of all, a service announcement. Lol, I sound so official! XD

Lately I came across the translation of a cute - what was it, Bell/Mammon? - doujinshi, and I noticed that the owner of the site complained about it. I was honestly surprised, since I believed adding the obligatory credits and a link to the source site would  ( Read more... )

mukuro, reborn, chrome, 6996, doujinshi

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Comments 60

ainoonee September 26 2008, 09:59:00 UTC
zomg~!!! I've always stalked your entries because of the lovely doujinshis that feature Chrome in it <3 They should come out an Otome game with people playing as Chrome and winning the hearts of several male characters(and it isn't hard for Chrome to win hearts at all *.*) 888D!!


eigwayne September 26 2008, 22:35:49 UTC
Don't give me ideas! I have too many unfinished projects and making fan games is haaaaard! But now, I kinda want to...


ainoonee September 27 2008, 05:43:04 UTC
YOU SHOULD <3 I would totally PAY you to buy the game :DD!!!!!


eigwayne September 28 2008, 16:17:48 UTC
Hahi~ I don't know if I can say "no" and I -should-... I have a convention in three weeks and my costume's nowhere near done....

How much do you want to help? I don't actually play otome games or love sims. The closest I've ever come is a couple Yami no Matsuei fangames and Star Ocean, with that multiple endings thing.


happybutter September 26 2008, 10:23:38 UTC
yo, you rock T__Tv
thanks for translation once again♥

and on the other side, it`s kinda..I thought it _would_ be enough to credit but oh well, it depends on the circle I think D: so moar Giselle isn`t bad right?♥


mezzo_marinaio September 27 2008, 00:52:20 UTC
More Giselle could never be a bad thing! ^o^

I just really, really hope that other circles will be nice enough to give me permission as well. ;_;


kanki_yamato September 26 2008, 13:06:09 UTC
Ok,prima di parlare della tua traduzione...anch'io ho letto quel commento e...bè,ci sono davvero rimasta male!Sopratutto per quella persona che aveva tradotto il mini sono rimasta male per lei!=( Io posso capire che un autore non voglia vedere i propi lavori postati da altre parti,ma visto che lei aveva postato pure i credits...mi sembra strano che l'autore del comics l'abbia presa così a male...=/ E poi anch'io mi chiedo come abbia fatto a scoprire che il suo fumetto era stato tradotto visto che non era iscritta alla community di Reborn...mah,non so propio cosa pensare!=\
Ritornando alla tua traduzione...bè,come al solito è ottima!Anzi,complimenti per la buona volontà!A quanto ho visto questa è stata davvero dura da tradurre!Ma tu hai resistito e hai fatto un ottimo lavoro!Grazie mille per il tuo impegno!=D <3


mezzo_marinaio September 27 2008, 01:00:41 UTC
Anche il mio primo pensiero è stato "Ma poverino"! ;_; Comunque rimane una coincidenza piuttosto strana...

Sono contenta che ti sia piaciuta anche questa! ^__^ In realtà sono abituata agli strani usi poetici che i giapponesi fanno del furigana, ma... in queste quattro pagine c'erano così tante doppie letture! >o< Pazzesco!

Per fortuna dalla mia traduzione non dipendono delle guerre di pairings - ancora mi ricordo il casino che è venuto fuori nella fandom di Bleach quando i traduttori non sapevano se tradurre l'incoraggiamento di Rukia come 'cuore' o come 'dentro'. XDDD


kanki_yamato September 29 2008, 13:30:53 UTC
Idem per me!

Uh,dev'essere davvero difficile tradurre dal Giapponese all'italiano (o qualsiasi altra lingua)!I miei complimenti!*_*

XD *lol* No,questa non la sapevo!Ti va di raccontarmela?=°D


mezzo_marinaio October 3 2008, 17:12:34 UTC
WOAH! XDD Scusa il ritardo, avevo due esami di letteratura in questi giorni, e sono stata un po'... occupata. ^o ( ... )


asayake September 26 2008, 13:07:18 UTC

Thank you ~


mezzo_marinaio September 27 2008, 01:01:19 UTC
You're welcome! ♥


tokei September 26 2008, 14:10:12 UTC
I hope that I'm remembering the correct doujin series here, but I really like how Giselle's doujin have the recurring theme of Nagi feeling that she isn't worthy to express her own opinions, while at the same time Mukuro wanting to know more about what she feels and thinks. It's just so sweet~ I love how this doujin ends, with Nagi finally feeling able to speak her mind.

Thank you so much for scanlating this, and for the pains you went through for the the translation! I can completely understand how you feel, it's like "They're all the same! Yet different! Which one is more appropriate for this part and how do I phrase it so that it sounds okay?!" Translating from one language into another in never easy, and I respect you greatly for doing this. ^^


mezzo_marinaio September 27 2008, 01:07:28 UTC
I did notice the same thing! ^o^ It's like it's a series dealing with Chrome's 'first times'... first time crying, first time refusing, first time asserting herself... I guess hoping for another kind of first time would be too much, eh? XDD

And yeah, furigana is a blessing when it tells you how to read the kanji, but a curse when the writers decide to be poetic and add several layers of meaning to the words. >o< It's very sweet, but putting words between brackets in English translations is a big no-no... XD


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