Mar 25, 2006 06:25
i have 450$ and im real excited about today!
tho i got home like 20min ago.
oh man
Mar 21, 2006 11:29
once the third days passes
it just doesnt seem to hurt as much
Mar 15, 2006 20:56
i feel kinda sick
and fat
so im just not gunna eat for a couple days,
I have a secret little pill
that will help.
Mar 06, 2006 23:45
curiously cutting
flesh felt skin.
thoughts to dreams
making a choice that
always changes,
nothing said,
nothing done,
sitting spinning,
never winning
whats in there?
Feb 14, 2006 18:14
one day i think ill just pack a bag and leave...
just keep going,
see where i end up.
i want to so badly, u have no idea, it tempts me everyday,
Feb 13, 2006 19:20
this is weird...
i came home and no one was here,
i never come home to an empty house
but i dont really care where they are
its kinda creepy but i can do what ever i want...
Feb 12, 2006 15:34
i still feel like im waiting for something to happen,
maybe i should go to it.
"that feeling when you get up,
and you get really sad cause you acually woke up,
and realise that everything you cryed yourself to sleep over
is waiting for you."