Title:Over the Rainbow (Part 1/?)
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, Angst
Summary: Ryeowook is in love with Yesung, but Yesung has a girlfriend.
Disclaimer: I don't own Super Junior XD
A/N: inspired by Trax's "Over the Rainbow (Rock Ver.)" Un-betaed.
part 2 part 3 part 4 His breath was coming out in misty clouds. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. His chest hurt. His heart was beating faster and faster. It hurt. His eyes welled up with tears that he didn't want to cry, but they fell anyway. Traitorous tears. Traitorous feelings. Traitorous woman.
It began to rain. Piercing pellets of cold water that stung his skin with a pain that was dull compared to the crushing of his heart. She didn't come. She let him come to the train station to wait like a fool. He had been standing until the sun faded away to night and he was standing here still as the night cried for him. He was truly a fool.
His breathing was more labored now. The gasps for breath fogging up before his eyes in a haze of white. He cursed the rain as he pushed his dark, wet bangs away from his eyes and clutched his gray wool coat closer to his body. His fingers were numb, his body felt hot, he was going to be sick and the last thought that came to mind was: Ryeowook was going to be worried sick and he was going to get an earful. Yesung collapsed on the cold concrete floor as the rain washed over him and blended with his tears.
"Do you know why the rain comes?"
Ryeowook was pouting and Sungmin watched in amazement as a week's worth of vegetables were chopped and minced into miniscule cubes that would have put the best food processor to shame. Ryeowook started mumbling to himself in high-pitched whines as he took out his frustration on the groceries.
“Wook-ah, what kind of recipe calls for decimated vegetables?” Sungmin picked up a paper-thin slice of onion.
Ryeowook suddenly paused, chef's knife frozen in mid-chop. His lips pressed into a thin line, “Stir-fry.” He announced decisively and began to de-bone a whole chicken with his bare hands.
“Most people stress eat and you stress cook?” Sungmin raised an eyebrow.
“If I don't cook, who's gonna feed this family?”
Kyuhyun snorted from the other side of room, his face buried in his laptop.
It was Sungmin's turn to pout, “I can cook perfectly well you know.”
“But you don't know any of Yesung-hyung's favorite recipes,” Ryeowook whined.
“Ah ha! I knew that's what was bothering you! You should have just confessed Wookie.”
“You think I didn't want to?” Ryeowook's eyes watered, “I can't, Hyung only likes women.”
“You never know...” Sungmin started sympathetically.
“We all know. He just left to pick up his girlfriend at the train station.” Ryeowook's lips trembled, And I've never seen him shine so brightly. “You probably don't know since you share your room with Kyu, but Hyung wants to propose this time. A year's separation was too long he said. He wants her to move to Seoul...” Ryeowook began to choke on strangled sobs. “I'm sorry Sungmin-hyung, but could you finish this?”
“Sure...” Ryeowook bolted for his room and Sungmin's heart ached for him. “What should we do Kyu?”
Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, “I don't know. We shouldn't meddle Minnie-ah.”
Sungmin's lips began to tilt up towards the sky.
“We shouldn't meddle, Minnie.”
"It's because someone is praying for all your sadness to be erased..."