Title: Over the Rainbow (Part 2/?)
Other Characters:Nayoung (OC)
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Angst
Disclaimer: I own nothing T_T
Summary: Ryeowook is in love with Yesung, but Yesung has a girlfriend.
A/N: inspired by Trax's "Over the Rainbow (Rock Ver.)" In this chapter you get to meet Yesung's elusive girlfriend. Un-betaed
part 1 part 3
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Comments 4
anyways! this was cute!!! ahahaha well the yewook was at least, the 'i think i love you' part got me squealing xDD lolz but the gf. horrible. what a hoe, i'm sorry. she should feel guilty for betraying poor sungie like that :( :( :(
anyways~ moah! can't wait for the next chapter ^^
and yeah, I decided to make the soon-to-be-ex girlfriend a hoe XDD
This way, Yesung won't go back. XDD
i don't know what to say ):
just that.... i want more ;_;
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