Title: The Truth Is A Bittersweet Thing
Author: sunflower_petal
Pairing: Hanchul, Heemin… slight Kyumin?
Fandom: Super Junior!
Length: one shot
Genre: Angst…ish
Rating/Warning: PG?
A/N: Slightly inspired by the December 6 Mnet M Countdown Marry U Performance… ie. the one with roses. *w*
“Hyung,” Sungmin tugged urgently at Heechul’s sleeve. “Hyung!” Heechul paid no attention, laughing at a private joke with Hangeng. “Hyung!” In between laughter, Heechul finally noticed. He turned around to see a boy not so much shorter than him with big eyes looking quite worriedly at him. “What is it, Sungmin?” Heechul giggled some more as Hangeng wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and nuzzled his neck. “Will you… save me a rose from our performance today?” Heechul, distracted by Hangeng who was now caressing his neck with soft kisses, agreed. “Sure... Now go… I‘m kind of busy…” He laughed some more and turned away from the younger boy and wrapped his arms around Hangeng’s neck planting a tender kiss on his lips. Despite this obvious interaction between the two older men, Sungmin paid no attention and walked away, determined to get Heechul’s love.
-insert performance here-
-after the show-
“Hyung!” Sungmin ran eagerly up to Heechul. “Did you save me a rose?” Heechul only smiled sheepishly as he pointed at the one standing next to him. The two roses he had at the end of the performance were placed neatly behind each of Hangeng’s ears. “It’s okay, hyung…” Sungmin replied with no expression on his face. “It’s okay.
-at the dorm later that night-
“You should get over him.” Sungmin’s head was on Kyuhyun’s lap as the younger of the two gently stroked his hair, trying to comfort him. “Please… for your own sake. Stop letting yourself get hurt.” He paused, thinking carefully about his next words. “You deserve someone better.” Sungmin merely shook his head as the silent tears trickled down his face.
-early the next morning-
“I made you some breakfast, hyung!” Sungmin opened the door, letting the fresh air enter the room. It was a sight he didn’t want to see. Heechul and Hangeng were on the bed tangled up with each other. “I’ll just leave the tray here… and you can eat it when you’re ready.” His smile was soft and forgiving as he closed the door behind him.
-lunch time-
“Sungmin, we need to talk,” Heechul quietly told Sungmin, who had managed to grab a seat at the table next to his beloved. Heechul chewed on some food and swallowed. “We’ll talk after lunch, okay?” Sungmin nodded, hoping that this was the moment he was waiting for. What he didn’t realise was that Heechul and Hangeng were playing footsies under the table.
-after lunch-
“Have a seat.” Heechul gestured to the couch in their living room. He had convinced the other members to stay out of that room, at least for an hour. Sungmin obliged and sat, watching and waiting for what Heechul was about to tell him. “What you saw this morning…” Heechul sighed. “I’m not going to break up with him for you, Sungmin. I don’t want to see you hurt any more, k? Please it get through your head.” After his speech, not being able to stand seeing Sungmin’s reaction, Heechul got up and walked away, leaving Sungmin with his thoughts.
-after the speech-
“You will be mine.” Sungmin whispered to himself.
-dinner time-
“Hey, Heechul, you were the last person to see Sungmin… where is he?” the band leader asked Heechul. He shrugged a little. “Check his room. I probably just broke his heart.” This earned him a good solid slap from Kangin from across the table. Heechul laughed, “Someone had to tell him though, right?” Kyuhyun glared at the older man and excused himself from the table to look for Sungmin.
-after Kyuhyun left the dinner table-
“Sungmin…?” Kyuhyun opened the door, expecting to see a sobbing lump under some pink blankets. What he saw instead was Sungmin, ready to jump out the window. “Sungmin!” Kyuhyun ran to the window and grabbed Sungmin’s arm. “What are you doing!?” Sungmin smiled. “Tell Heechul that if he doesn’t love me, then I’ll jump out the window onto the traffic below…” Soon, all the members were in the room after they heard Kyuhyun’s yell. They all looked accusingly at Heechul, blaming him for what he caused Sungmin to do.
Sungmin shook Kyuhyun’s hand off his arm and turned his head back, looking straight at Heechul. “Do you love me?” Heechul walked up to him and quietly whispered into his ear so he was the only one who could hear him. Sungmin smiled, content with the answer and jumped out into the night below…
Frantic screams and flailing arms filled Sungmin’s room with some running down to the pavement in a last ditch -and also hopeless- effort to save the falling boy.
Hangeng hugged Heechul from behind and asked, “What did you tell him?” Heechul smiled sadly. “I said ‘yes’.”
A/N: If you’re confused (like my sister was XD)~ then just ask and I’ll explain… XD
Title: So Cracky That It’s Just… Omg. (_ _”) - Part Three
Author: me!
Featuring: Lee Sungmin, Kim Heechul, Kim Jongwoon (Yesung), Park Jungsu (Leeteuk), Kim Ryeowook, and special guest Cho Kyuhyun
Fandom: Super Junior!
Length: 3/?
1 2Rating/Warning: Uhh… I recommend that this PG (?). It’s kind of weird. And it’s AU. Sort of.
A/N: Part one and part two. The style changed slightly again… back to the style of Part one. I wish I could be more consistent, but my brain doesn’t want to cooperate.
Previously on “So Cracky That It’s Just… Omg. (_ _”)”…
Poor Jongwoon though. I would have to assume he’s the least gay out of our family if he‘s that traumatised by a kiss from our cute little Minnie. Ahh… but the poor kid never did fit in.
Remember how I was in a “car accident” last year? And did something terrible to my legs? THERE WAS NO CAR ACCIDENT! I was just bashed up by Kangin-shii, who really does go waaay overboard when Jungsu tells him to “teach me a lesson” - just because he knows I‘m right and can‘t think of any other way to shut me up!!! (_ _”)
Sungmin: I’m prettier! Aren’t I Ryeowook? :D
Ryeowook: O____________________O
Sungmin: -pouts- Why aren’t you saying anything?? IT’S BECAUSE I’M UGLY, ISN’T IT?? ISN’T IT?!?!!? TT___TT Ryeowook: … hyung… you’re… -gulps- … you’re a girl! O____O
I’m just glad Sungmin isn’t around. With his new hormones he might… have made a move on me.
Heechul: Aish! What did you do that for, moron!! I wouldn’t date Sungmin even if he was a girl! He’s too much like a little kid. >w< And anyway, if I kiss him, won’t I turn into a woman also, because he used to be a guy? (_ _”)
Leeteuk: Haha, nope! It only affects Sungmin. He had the most potential to be a girl… and so that magical fairy turned him into a boy-who-could-turn-into-a-girl-after-his-first-kiss-from-a-man. She said that everyone else would’ve been a disgrace to the word “woman”. Yes, even YOU. -smirk-
Leeteuk on the phone: But… Super Junior 13?
SM on the phone: No. Super Junior 12. Or project group. I haven’t decided yet. Now don’t call again. I’m quite busy. -hang up-
Kyuhyun: O rly? Well everyone is just silly. You know what!? LET’S DO IT!
Sungmin: @__@ Do… what, exactly? >w<;;
:: Sungmin’s train of thought ::
I’m going to be a real princess!!! If I decide to take Kyu’s offer that is. I’m not sure what I feel about dating a younger man. It’s the trend these days anyway, isn’t it? He’s so dreamy though. -giggles- Butbutbut… I can’t choose between Heechul, my one true love, and Kyuhyun, my prince offering me his hand in marriage. TT___TT I want to be a princess and I’ll make a REALLY pretty one at that~ but I’ll get into a jealous fit of rage every time I see Heechul with another woman. DDD8 But I don’t want to break Kyuhyun’s heart!!
“Min… what’s your answer?”
Don’t make me answer you, Kyu! I’LL BREAK YOUR HEART AND YOU’LL HATE ME FOREVER. AND THEN CALL ME UGLY! There’s nothing worse than that!!!
“Hey…” Kyu said softly and gently moved some stray hair away from my face. “Just don’t break my heart, okay? Let’s have a fairytale ending, Min. I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry, Kyu…” I grabbed both of his hands. “I made this transformation for Heechul, not for you…”
He smiled, not so unhappily.
“Okay, beautiful Min... I’ll just go die now.”
He whistled for his magic carpet (yes, he has a magic carpet, like Aladdin! Because he secretly is Aladdin,… or something?), jumped on it and flew away.
He called me beautiful - even after I broke his heart. ToT Did I make a mistake in letting him go? BUT HEECHUL!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I hope he really doesn’t die.
WHY HAVEN’T I SEEN HEECHUL YET!? There’s a secret about this transformation that I have to tell him about. If I don’t tell him… I MIGHT DIE. But not really~ I’m just being dramatic.
I still have to talk to Teukie oppa as well… I don’t wanna be a girl any more. TT_______TT
:: Heechul’s train of thought ::
I have to face my fears eventually! Let’s go find that brat Sungmin. He better not suffocate me with hugs and kisses. He will get pushed to the ground! D8<<<
:: Sungmin’s train of thought ::
I’ll go back to the house and look for Heechul properly… lalalala I feel really yucky all of a sudden. I want this nightmare to be over!
:: Heechul’s train of thought ::
Who is that pretty girl coming my way? 8DDD
:: Sungmin’s train of thought ::
HEECHULAHHHH!!! I FINALLY SEE YOU!!! And you look so happy to see me!! XDDD
“HEECHUL!!” -waves arms wildly- “HI!!!!” -hearts floating around the lovesick boy-
:: Heechul’s train of thought ::
THAT’s Sungmin? … o___o;; -faint-
:: Sungmin’s train of thought ::
O___O HE FAINTED!!! Ahh!! What do I do?? What do I do?? I’ve never had someone faint in front of me before~ I’ve always been the faintee! -panic- “Heechul oppa… Heechulah!” -slaps his face- Ah good, he’s coming to…
“Where am I?” Even when he’s lost and confused he’s still the cutest thing ever! -giggle-
“In my arms :D” What? He is!
He started to rub his eyes at me in disbelief. “Sungmin…?”
I’ve been wanting to see him all day and he’s finally here! :DDD -big cuddle- But I was horribly shoved aside. Why is he being mean? TT___TT I started to cry. I can’t help it… if things don’t go my way, the only thing I know how to do is cry!
“YAH! Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean I’ll automatically like you! Teukie told me everything about your silly plan, and I only came to find you to tell you to snap out of it. You’ve caused so much grief from becoming a girl! Jongwoon and Ryeowook are bawling their eyes out because of you, and Teuk is also crying because we might not be Super Junior 13 any more!! All this happened because of your selfishness. …Yah! You have no right to cry, you brat. Stop it.”
His words really hurt. And… I still haven’t told him my secret. I think I probably shouldn’t have rejected Kyu… Gah, I’ll just tell him. He can’t get more mad that he already is. T__T
“But… I’m pregnant… with your child. -sniffle-”
I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head, he looked so shocked.
He’s really scary when he yells. TT___TT But obviously my crying wasn’t working on him, it never really did, so I had to stop so I could speak properly.
“It was a secret wish I made to the magical fairy who turned me into a woman. She said I should take extra caution, in case you didn’t accept me just because I was a woman. And so to bind you forever to me, I decided that being pregnant with your child was the way for it to happen. BUT, if by midnight tonight, you still haven’t accepted my love, even with the news of the baby… then you’re a heartless bastard and I’ll turn back into a man, lose the baby AND I’ll quit Super Junior anyway because it’d be too painful to be around you.”
“Fucking hell, Sungmin. This is blackmail.” He glared at me, hands on hips, debating with himself about what he should do. Ah… it looks as though he‘s come to a conclusion… “AISH! Just no. I’m not taking responsibility for this. Everyday has just been just one big drama with you. Fuck. That’s it. As much as I love being in Super Junior, I just can’t take this shit from you any more. I’m giving up on singing and am going to focus on my acting.” And with that he walked angrily away from me. Oh what should I do? TT______TT
Will Sungmin figure out what to do? Will Heechul suddenly change his mind and accept Sungmin’s love? Did Kyuhyun really go off to die? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT INSTALMENT OF “So Cracky That It’s Just… Omg. (_ _”)”!
A/N: I really hate this part. It sounds so stupid. But I don’t know how to fix it without changing it dramatically. It’ll have to do. D8