[Heh. I just re-read what I wrote last night and kinda cringed. It sounds a little self-pitying and like I was fishing for attention, which wasn't my intention at all. I just felt it was the polite thing to do. But thanks. You guys are very cool. *hugs back*]
[Oh and by the way, I left a note in Andy's journal about a co-worker of Keiko's, because I was all excited about another GG alum being around, but the dude hasn't updated or anything since s\he posted on the Welcome Wagon community, so I'm thinking that maybe s\he isn't necessarily as interested in the game as I'd hoped. You might want to hold off on adding them.]
[i don't think you came across as shy in your character. you're doing a great job with her and i'm glad you're not giving up. you take all the time you need sweetie. take care]
[hell, you weren't shy with me! I LOVE YOU MY PIMPSTRESS KEIKO! Mwah! I hope everything works out and that you come back soon! I'll miss my pimpstress/sexy ho/sexy momma/*insert every other nickname for you here*.]
[*g* buck up lil camper! Keiko'll be returning sooner than previously thought, as things are seriously on the upswing lately. Anyway, consider Amy befriended; Everwood looks like something I'll really dig. And it's nice to meet ya.]
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