Who's still in Pittsburgh? I'm woefully out of the loop. We'll be in town for a week, May 24 through 31 for a conference Martin's attending. I would love to see as many people as possible :-)
So, Martin and I have created a blog that will centralize our adventures together. I'll still post on lj but will provide links whenever we update. It'll include our hikes, travels, thoughts, and of course, lots of pictures of Léon. Check it out if you get a chance!
Hier matin à 6:21, le 30 juin 2013, notre fils Léon Kilbinger Thomas, était né. Il pèse 3,6 kg, mesure 51 cm, et il est un bébé active et déjà très curieux. Mère et fils sont en pleine forme.
Yesterday I woke up and I had a stern talk with little iBun. He's been zinging me a lot and I felt I had to explain to him that there are a few things to keep in mind about this whole coming-into-the-world thing. I have this feeling that he'll be arriving sonner rather than later
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