The Shopping Spree Begins

Jan 26, 2008 23:50

Moonette heard the door to her beach house creak open and then click closed. Was it six o’clock already? She glanced at the clock, then quickly took her arm and swept the several miniature silver credit cards off of her desk top and into the top drawer before....

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Comments 122

tdu000 January 27 2008, 08:40:23 UTC
TDU staggered as the portkey deposited her next to an ornate fountain in the centre of the picturesque French village. Young(ish) Albus, naturally, had made a perfect landing and seemed to find it mildly amusing that TDU couldn't regain her balance. "Stop it! I'm naturally clumsy, even without a drink . . . which reminds me. I hope we get to have some French wine to make all the shopping more enjoyable." TDU wasn't a natural shopper but Girlyswot had promised to take her to a wonderful fabric shop so she thought she would manage to spend some money. Of course, if there was a wool shop too, so much the better ( ... )


tdu000 January 27 2008, 08:42:59 UTC
And that is it until tomorrow (my time). I will catch up later. I know I've missed some accents there but I'm technologically challenged (as well has having very limited French - five years and that's all I have to show for it!).


rosathome January 27 2008, 13:48:21 UTC
'Hurry up! I said we'd meet TDU in...' Girlyswot checked her watch, 'ten minutes ago. If we leave it too long she'll have started drinking. Wine is cheap in France, you know. Then she'll be no good at all for the shopping.'

Charlie emerged from the bathroom, shirtless and grinning. 'Like the rest of us.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

He shrugged. 'Well, this isn't really my idea of a fun way to spend the afternoon. Besides, what use will I be in a fabric shop? I can't tell acromantula silk from quintaped wool.'

'Of course you can. I'll show you.'

He raised a bored eyebrow. 'This is sounding less and less appealing, you know.'

'It's for Berte,' she told him firmly. 'And you love her too ( ... )


stmargarets January 28 2008, 13:49:03 UTC
Kathleen would never snipe at brown-eyed Charlie like that. *shakes head*

Put your shirt on


Kathleen would never - oh, nevermind. Some things have to be sacrificed for plot, I suppose.


crumplehornedki January 27 2008, 08:50:03 UTC
CHK paced back and forth in her lounge with the air conditioning on maximum to accomodate her possum fur lined leather pants and matching jacket. "Where are you Niall!" she muttered to herself as she paced, glancing at her watch every few minutes ( ... )


crumplehornedki January 27 2008, 08:50:50 UTC
CHK grabbed onto Niall as her head finally stopped spinning - she really didn't enjoy travelling by Portkey but it was very convenient for long distance travel ( ... )


crumplehornedki January 27 2008, 08:55:48 UTC
Night all to my fellow shoppers - I'm hitting the sack. I'll actually buy Berte's present tomorrow. Can't wait to see what everyone else is getting for her.


stmargarets January 28 2008, 13:53:58 UTC
Yay! Forget that pesky French - love that Charm of Niall's.


peverell January 27 2008, 13:07:06 UTC
Hazel stumbled on the bottom step of the Bureau and smiled up at Marcus for catching her. It had been a very long night. Napier/Sirius had escaped from Marcus's boatyard and taken himself off on a wild spree through Jersey, resulting in his being arrested by Jimce, the Légion D'Auror, and the story of the mix-up coming out.

She and Marcus had spent the last eight hours closeted with the senior Healer from La Ville; the island's equivalent of St Mungo's, the Potion Mistress, and the Légion, as they tried to separate out Sirius from Napier.

The sun was dispersing the early morning mist, wreathing St Hélyi with speckles of flashing colour as they stood for a moment, delighting in the fresh air.

“Many happy returns of the day,” Hazel murmured, glad of Marcus’s arm around her. She hadn’t felt this dead tired in… oh, all of two weeks.

He chuckled. “Mèrcie, ma chiéthe but you’re about eleven months early.”

Hazel relaxed into a smile. “Not you, Amamama. There should be a Portkey waiting for me at home ( ... )


stmargarets January 28 2008, 13:55:43 UTC
Finally, someone found a good use for a Time-Turner - more time for snogging sleep. (Or both. LOL)


peverell January 27 2008, 14:41:09 UTC
“Marcus, why are you so keen to come shopping with me ( ... )


Sweet Dreams Rose: The Discovery and Classification Thereof - part the 3rd megan29 January 27 2008, 16:11:18 UTC
Last A/N: Final installment. I won't be much online today. Y'all have fun ( ... )


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