Wonderful news. Month Python is re-releasing The Life of Brian next month in response to the hype of the movie about the bloke born in the manger next to Brian.
As the vast majority of you know, I'm a huge comics freak. One of the foci of this obesession is Vertigo's Hellblazer. The protagonist (not really hero) of this book is John Constantine (thanks for the handy pic, Glas). Now, if you click the linky, you'll get a damn fine image of JC curtesy of Tim Bradstreet. Get that ingrained in your
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So I just got out of The Passion of the Christ. First off, an incredibly visually and audially stunning film. It's an art flic, to be sure. The production, cinematography, acting, and casting were excellent. Yes, I know that it was inacurate to have everyone speaking either Aramaic or Latin. Yes, I know Jesus most likely spoke Hebrew...since
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Yeah, I know link posts are annoying, but you really, really really, really want to read this. One of the coolest ghost stories I've read in a while, it's apparently true, and it's on eBay!