Erin and I are working on our entry into the Ugly Dog & Truck contest. I'll try to make sure and post images (although my digital camera batteries are almost dead, and I can't find my charger...hmm...)
Thanks to Nathan Vanderklippe, Adobe Photoshop, and the New Yorker for this... Reminds me of my three weeks on the job (well, of the first three minutes of it)
I went to see Dawn of the Dead last night. That movie scared the crap out of me. I usually don't like horror movies, but I enjoyed this one. For some reason I always like zombie movies.
And it was great seeing Sarah Polley on the big screen. I think she's deserving of a celebrity crush.
Another reason why I refuse to believe that the Atkins diet is the way to go... To paraphrase Rick Mercer: Who wouldn't want to believe a bacon-wrapped philly cheesesteak is healthy, and a potato with a lemon wedge is a silent killer
( Read more... )
"Five billion years from now, our sun will die and become a white dwarf. Approximately two billion years after that, its ember core will crystallize as well, leaving a giant diamond in the center of our solar system. "
Everyone should buy The Postal Service album, if they don't already own it. So good. Thanks ddstewartfor enlightening me (and thanks sbeaubienfor opening my eyes to Rilo Kiley). Lots of good work music now.
I watched Love That Boy last night. It was on the movie channel. There's something surreal about seeing the small university you went to being used in a movie that's broadcast across Canada (and the US). King's looked good. The movie was great. But it made me miss Halifax.
to follow in no_cities_left's footsteps... (although I didn't insert a CSI cast member in mine...) According to, here are people I find attractive.