Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
hookerc took over the world, who would suffer? Oh shit, we're all dead :p
2) Are
drunkenlantern and
gaffachic married? No.
3) What planet should
mrinx be from? Hmm... Methinks Jupiter or Neptune.
4) If
drunkenlantern and
gaffachic were spliced together, what would it be like? Awesome music crazy guitar.
5) Is
dyingwelive a college student? No.
6) Is
gr33nkittykitty related to you? No.
7) Are
cmputr_ace and
hookerc going steady? I'd hope not...
8) Would
drunkenlantern and
hookerc make a good couple? mmmm.. no..
9) How would
mrinx kill
gaffachic? oooh... this might be interesting.. Probably snap her neck with well placed kick. Either that, or a sword of some sort
10) Is
gaffachic a nerd? Yes, but aren't we all?
11) One quality you find attractive in
dyingwelive? I have to pick one!?!?
12) What comic book character would
hookerc be? mm.. comic bok knowledge is limited.. I'd have to say Rouge.
13) Is
cmputr_ace friends with
mrinx? Not to my knowledge.
14) Is
dyingwelive popular? I think so.
15) What is
hookerc's favorite color? No idea.
16) Thoughts on
drunkenlantern? Cool, got a head on his shoulders.
17) What flavor of jello would
gr33nkittykitty be? Strawberry Chocolate Mint!
18) How would
drunkenlantern conquer the world? He's too chill to do that. He'd rather hang out and jam with the guy that owns the world.
19) When did you last call
gaffachic? I haven't her number, so never.
hookerc's hair color? light brown?
21) Does
dyingwelive travel a lot? A little here or there.
22) Would
pogomop be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate. YARRR!!!
23) Does
dyingwelive know
drunkenlantern? I'd hope so!
24) If
drunkenlantern and
mrinx were siamese twins, where would they be joined? hehhe... I think they'd share one leg, just so he'd have to wear at least one awesome boot :p
25) Did
gr33nkittykitty break up with you? No.
Ok, so I did it. Finally. I'd tried it sometime before, but I didn't read the instructions well then, so it ended up with some weird stuff.
Anyhoo, going to bed.