Mar 12, 2007 01:04
fucking hate ghosts
Mar 08, 2007 03:08
Recently has just taken a wierd turn on me. Nothing seems right. Nothing I do seems to be right. Just seems.... out of place.
Mar 05, 2007 21:29
to even sit down and be with my love for an hour of the day. Why is this so fucking lame. school is so shitty. work ontop of that is so shitty.
Mar 03, 2007 09:13
god i love her. Holding her in my arms makes me the happiest person. its a felling the no one ever could and has ever given me.
Mar 02, 2007 00:14
seriously fucking why?
Feb 27, 2007 19:59
umaginable. not possible
Feb 27, 2007 02:18
am i dreaming? this cant be
Feb 25, 2007 00:24
I'm in the back of my work on my lunch break. I'm watching the ring. Ring 1 was so much better than the ring 2. I'm waiting for manda to get here so we can do something. Today has been ultra lame so far.
Feb 16, 2007 22:03
I would do anything to kick that kids teeth in. He has no idea what will come to him down the road.