Ed and Hank
Part 4 of... Oh Baby, Baby, It's a Wild World...
Catch-up: When we last left Ed and Hank they were in Yellowstone National Park. They still are when we catch up with them.
A bit of a heads up: Ed and Hank briefly collide with Ennis and Jack's story a couple of times.
Disclaimer: Hank told their story to Annie Proulx. Jack and Ennis are all hers. Ed and Hank belong only to each other. Rating: G $$: Nope.
Part 1 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/77229.htmlPart 2 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/77951.htmlPart 3 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/78346.html Links to all previous posts are here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/10082.html Oh Baby, Baby, It's a Wild World...
"See, Ed... I'm still pullin' off the impossible... Old Faithful Lodge 'n there ain't no one around..."
"Well... it's still damn early."
"Yep. That's the whole idea."
"So's... wha' time do they turn Old Faithful on...?"
"Right about now... so's we should be headin' out there..."
"Go ahead... Say it, Hank..."
"Now that is real interestin'... 'N downright inspirin' too..."
"It sure is."
"How 'bout we wander through this here upper geyser basin before it gets too busy...?"
"How 'bout we don't 'cause it looks like them clouds are gonna open up 'n pour on us any second..."
"Well... the sun's shinin' on us fer the moment..."
"'N now it's gone again..."
"It's gonna be fine, Ed... look... it's doin' its best ta break through..."
"Its best may not be good enough ta day."
"Just give it some time."
"We'll see."
A few minutes later...
"See, Ed... It's clearin' up real nice-like..."
"Do you got some kinda weather radio hidden on ya...?"
"Nope. But you can search me if'n ya wanna..."
"I will... later on."
"I'm lookin' forward to it."
"'N what exactly would we have done if'n it didn't clear up...?"
"Gotten wet."
"True 'nough."
"'N look... now we're out here way ahead of ev'rybody else..."
"I gotta admit... this is real nice."
"Damn, Ed... Tha' thing sounds just like you when yer about ta..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Dumbass."
"But it does..."
"I thought a while back you said I sounded like a buffalo stuck in the mud 'n tryin' ta get out..."
"Well that was the closest I could come to it before I heard this..."
"We better get outta hearin' range of this thing before I start gettin' all het up..."
"It don't take much with you, does it...? 'N before ya ask... No... I ain't complainin'..."
"I didn't think so."
"Is this tha' Mornin' Glory pool, Hank...? I don't remember it lookin' like this the last time we were here..."
"I don't think it did... Lookit this sign..."
"Damn... folks are wreckin' it by throwin' stuff in it...? Whatta buncha idiots..."
"You can say that again."
"Wha' the hell is wrong with folks...?"
"Like ya said... they're a buncha idiots."
Later, on the way back...
"Well... least-wise they ain't wrecked this one..."
"It sure is pretty."
"It sure is, Ed."
"Looks like we're way too early fer this one ta erupt..."
"Too bad..."
"It's barely even smokin'..."
"Well... aside from Old Faithful we been just missin' some a them geysers goin' off all mornin'... they're always just off in the distance somewheres..."
"Ya know, Hank... if'n ya wanna try 'n catch 'em we can pick up one a them sheets tha' give time estimates fer when some of 'em are s'posed ta go off..."
"Nah... Where's the fun in tha'...?"
"Well... here's one goin' off right in fron' a ya..."
"That one don't count."
"Why the hell not...?"
"'Cause ya gotta work at it ta miss it... seein' as it goes off about ev'ry three minutes..."
"Just like someone else I know."
"You'll hafta introduce me."
"Fine... Hank, meet Hank..."
"Pleased ta meet me."
"Although I think ev'ry three minutes is justa slight exaggeration."
"But... ya know, Hank... I can guarantee ya a front row seat at a big ol' geyser eruptin' later on this evenin'..."
"Ya can, huh...?"
"I sure can."
"You got any kinda time estimate fer when it's goin' off...?"
"I thought ya didn't got no use fer timetables...?"
"Well I wanna be damn sure I don't miss that one..."
"You won't."
"Great. I'll be sure ta bring my camera."
"Ya damn well better not."
"Jeez... it looks like the weather's changin' on us again... Least-wise we're almost back..."
"How the hell do you keep timin' stuff like this...?"
"I ain't exactly sure."
"Well if'n you could figure it out we could prob'bly make some money off a ya."
"Damn... I do believe it's even startin' ta snow... How 'bout we head inta the lodge...?"
"I dunno... with the weather like this tha' lodge is gonna be real crowded..."
"I think I got a way around tha'..."
"I just betcha do..."
A few minutes later...
"See... I told ya it'd be real busy, Hank."
"Follow me, Ed..."
"The second floor porch, huh...?"
"Yep. Unless yer too cold... Then we can try 'n find a spot inside..."
"I ain't too cold."
"'N look, Ed... now we got covered front row balcony seats fer watchin' Old Faithful go off again..."
"This is kinda nice."
"So's... how wouldya say this compares ta the geyser ya promised I'd see later on...?"
"It ain't even close."
"I can't hardly wait. You sure I can't bring the camera...?"
"You better not."
"Looks like the snow's meltin' 'n it migh' be clearin' up... You ready ta head out...?"
"Yep. But we better stop 'n get some gas fer the truck before we do..."
A couple of minutes later...
"Lookit that, Hank..."
"Over there... Yer missin' another one..."
A little later...
"Well... I guess it ain't clearin' as fast as I thought it would..."
"How the hell am I gonna make money off a you if'n yer justa mediocre weather psychic...?"
"Ya ain't."
"Too bad."
"Well... least-wise sometimes the bad weather can be just as purty as the good..."
"It sure can."
"Even so... I could use some sunshine... Maybe we should head over ta the lake... We ain't been ta West Thumb yet... 'n it migh' be a nicer day over there..."
"Who am I ta argue with a mediocre weather psychic...?"
"It ain't half bad over here. Or maybe I should say it's about half good."
"'S better than all bad anyways."
A little later...
"Lookit this, Ed... 'mediocre weather psychic', my ass... 'N I'm still managin' the impossible... there ain't hardly no one around..."
"I hate ta admit it... But yer purty good at this."
"'N a few other things too."
"Like what exactly...?"
"I'll show ya later."
"I'm lookin' forward to it."
"Damn... wouldya look at tha' dumbass over there, Ed... He jus' stepped off the boardwalk righ' by tha' smokin' hot pool... 'N it looks like he's doin' it in order ta get better cell phone reception..."
"Jeez... he could break through tha' crust 'n burn his self real bad... it's real thin in spots... even though it don't look it..."
"There ain't no park ranger around... I guess we could try yellin'... but..."
"Well... we'd better try 'cause I don't wanna see him get hurt... HEY! YOU WITH THE PHONE! GET BACK ON THE BOARDWALK BEFORE YA GET HURT!"
"Well, Ed... I do believe he ain't too happy with ya... 'N... yep... he just flipped ya off... Prob'bly tryin' ta impress tha' girl who's with him... Although I'd imagine he wouldna done that if'n he didn't have all them hot pools 'tween you 'n him..."
"Yeah... well... Least-wise he's back on the damn boardwalk."
"I said it before 'n I'll say it again... you should be a park ranger here..."
"Thanks, but no thanks."
"Well... I don't think I did a half-bad job a doin' the impossible over the past few days..."
"I gotta admit, Hank... ya did better than I ever thought ya coulda at makin' the world go away."
"'Course we still had ta sit through the occasional buffalo or elk traffic jam..."
"Cain't hardly avoid them."
"Sure wish we woulda seen some moose though... We usually see some moose when we come here."
"Yeah... I like moose."
"'N we still had ta listen ta the occasional dumbass talkin' way too loud on their cell phone 'n totally ignorin' the person they're with."
"Cain't hardly avoid them anymore neither."
"True 'nough."
"'N ya didn't do a half-bad job a makin' them folks in the campground disappear last night neither..."
"Well... I don't like ta brag..."
"Since when...?"
Later that night...
"So's... How 'bout some music ta go along with tha' geyser show ya promised me, Ed...?"
"How 'bout I get ta choose the music tonight..."
"Lemme guess..."
"Yep. Seein' as you ain't got around ta playin' it since we been here... I'm gonna do it for ya... 'Course we'll have ta keep it real quiet-like on accounta the neighbors..."
"Least-wise there ain't no heavy duty man-campin' goin' on out there tonight."
"Well there's gonna be some goin' on in here."
"Well alls I can say ta that is... Yeeee Haaaw..."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ngr_CEqybY "C'mere, dumbass..."
'Love is a burnin' thing...
And it makes a fiery ring...
Bound by wild desire...
I fell inta a ring a fire...
I fell in to a burnin' ring a fire...
I went down... down... down...
'N the flames went higher...
'N it burns, burns, burns...
The ring a fire...
The ring a fire'...
The next morning...
"Damn... wouldya lookit that, Ed..."
"Jeez... Tha' sure as hell brings back some mem'ries..."
"It looks new even... I didn't think they still made tents like tha'..."
"I wouldn' think there'd be no one who'd still wanna buy a tent like tha'..."
"I remember... when I saw it in tha' movie... I couldn't hardly believe they were usin' the same tent we had..."
"Me neither."
"'N remember...? Tha' summer... when it'd rain... if'n ya'd touch the canvas ya'd have a big ol' drip at tha' spot... 'N if'n ya'd bump enough places it'd be rainin' prit' near as hard inside as out..."
"Sometimes I think ya did it on purpose so's we'd be huddled on one side a tha' tent together..."
"I wouldn't put it past me."
"Me neither."
"'N then remember...? After that one real big storm when we had ta move it 'cause tha' spot was gettin' all soggy 'n muddy... tha' thing weighed a ton..."
"More even."
"'N we started wrestlin' with the tent... but ended up wrestlin' with each other..."
"We never did get it back up tha' night, did we...?"
"Nope. But you sure as hell managed ta keep me warm."
"'N you too me... With a l'il help from tha' sleepin' bag..."
"When yer hot yer hot."
"Well we were damn lucky it didn't start rainin' again... Or no amount a yer hotness coulda kept us from catchin' pneumonia..."
"Yeah it coulda."
"'N it seems like tha' tent didn't dry out from tha' storm fer days..."
"Neither did we."
"'N it didn't exactly smell real good afterwards neither."
"Neither did we."
"True 'nough."
"But... wouldya want one like that, Ed...? I could ask them folks where they got it...?"
"You'd wake them folks up at this hour a the mornin' just ta ask 'em where they got their tent...?"
"Well... I guess I could check online once we get back home... Or maybe they'll be up 'n around when we get back later..."
"'S okay, Hank... I'm happy 'nough with the tent we got now... 'n we got plenty a good memories of that one too..."
"Yeah. We sure do. But..."
"How the hell did them folks manage ta get that site...?"
"Ya know damn well when a place is this crowded if'n ya wanna site like tha' ya gotta be watchin' 'n waitin' fer folks ta leave so's ya can nab it before anybody else does... Or ya gotta be drivin' in just as they're pullin' out..."
"Or if'n they take reservations ya gotta know ahead a time which sites are the best..."
"Don't get me started about havin' ta make a goddamn reservation ta get a damn campsite."
"Yeah... Well... there's way too many folks campin' these days... 'n way too few campsites ta go around... in the summertime 'n in developed campgrounds in real popular places anyways... 'N least-wise they still keep this campground like it used ta be... first come, first ta get a campsite..."
"But... tha' summer... it sure was one helluva summer..."
"Yeah... it sure was, Ed..."
"'N ya managed ta do the impossible back then too... well... I guess it was a lotta years later... but still..."
"Gettin' you ta move in with me permanent-like...?"
"I've told ya before, Ed... I didn't do that particular impossible feat... You did."
"You didn't have nothin' ta do with it, huh...?"
"Well... I did the only thing I could do... I just believed ya would..."
"Yeah... Well believin' I would had ta be purty impossible ta do sometimes..."
"Make tha' most times."
"So's, Hank...?"
"I know we were plannin' on stayin' here a l'il longer... But wha' wouldya think about leavin' here 'n headin' more up inta the mountains...? I know we're a longs ways from tha' spot where we spent tha' first summer... 'N I ain't sure I'd wanna see it anyways... ya know... if'n it's changed too much... maybe even full a condos 'n crap..."
"They'd prob'bly be abandoned condos now."
"But... tha' spot we went to after meetin' up again after them years apart... that ain't all tha' far away... 'N I bet it ain't changed much... seein' as how far it was from anywheres else..."
"Tha'd be real nice, Ed..."
"'Course... that's way the hell up there... 'n I bet tha' dirt road's still impassable... it bein' so early in the season 'n all..."
"Yeah. I bet yer right..."
"But tha' don't mean we cain't find some other place tha'd do just as well... 'n look a whole lot like it... 'Course... it ain't exactly balmy here... but ya know it's gonna be a whole lot colder up higher... D'ya mind, Hank...?"
"Ya know I don't mind."
"Yeah. Me neither."
"'N ya know that's somethin' tha' movie got wrong... Ennis 'n Jack sleepin' in their coats when they were campin' in the cold weather... not when they were young... but later on when they were older... Hell... Jack woulda been able ta afford a real nice sleepin' bag... One tha' woulda kept 'em warm enough withou' wearin' coats... then all's ya really need is a long-sleeve shirt 'n sleep pants 'n socks 'n a knit hat..."
"Well I got some real fond memories of us endin' up in just our socks 'n hats..."
"'N lookit you... even with you as cheap as ya are... we still got zero degree bags 'n twenty degree bags 'n forty degree bags 'n warm weather bags 'n lots a diff'rent sleepin' bag liners..."
"It don't make no kinda sense ta skimp on yer sleepin' bag."
"'N even with a not-so-good sleepin' bag... body heat from the dumbass next ta ya's a helluva lot better than a coat fer keepin' ya warm..."
"Hell... that's the best part a cold weather campin'... back then 'n now too... crawlin' in 'n wrappin' m'self 'round ya..."
"It sure is... 'N I'd think that's somethin' both Ennis 'n Jack woulda been chompin' at the bit fer..."
"I know I sure was."
"Me too... But... maybe it was exaggerated some to show why Jack was sick 'n tired of always campin' in cold weather... Or maybe it was s'posed ta be symbolic-like... with them sleepin' all wrapped up in them big ol' coats representin' ev'rythin' tha' was still keepin' them apart... even when they were together... or maybe representin' all the stuff they never managed ta say ta each other tha' they shoulda..."
"Or maybe tha' director jus' never went cold weather campin'."
"Could be."
A little while later...
"How 'bout some drivin' music, Ed...? I think maybe I saw somethin' in Betty's cds tha' would do righ' good..."
"I bet there's somethin' from our cds tha'd do just as good too..."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb6TwmWeXNY "...'I just couldn't help believin'... when he smiled up soft 'n gentle... with the trace of misty mornin'... 'n the promise of tomorrow 'n his eyes..."
"...And I just couldn't help believin'... when he was lyin' close beside me... 'n my heart beat with the rhythm of his sighs... This time tha' cowboy's gonna stay... This time tha' cowboy's gonna stay... fer more than justa few days..."
"Well... I'm just glad ya managed ta keep believin' fer so's long as it took me..."
"I just couldn't help it."
"...'N I just couldn't help believin'... when he slipped his big ol' hand in my hand'... Not that ya ever did... Or do... So's why the hell don't ya ever hold my hand, dumbass...?"
"Fine... ya want me ta hold yer hand...? I'll hold yer hand... Give it here..."
"Don't mind if I do."
"Or maybe ya better use both yer hands fer drivin' righ' now... Damn, don't pass him, Hank... that's a blind corner up there..."
"I ain't passin' him, dumbass... I can see that's a blind corner up there... 'N he'll move outta our way soon enough..."
"Yeah... well apparently not soon enough fer tha' real dumb dumbass in that other truck..."
"Jeez... How is not havin' ta wait thirty seconds fer a buffalo ta move his ass outta the way worth riskin' gettin' hurt fer...?"
"I cain't answer that one fer ya."
"'Course it'd prob'bly be whoever was comin' 'round tha' corner from the other direction who'd get hurt real bad while these folks would walk away no problem..."
"So's... Ya know when I really started believin' ya'd stay someday, Ed...?"
"Yeah. I know."
"How the hell would you know...?"
"I just know."
"So's... if'n yer so sure ya know... then why don't you tell me...?"
"It was that one January... when yer folks went off ta visit yer aunt or uncle or whoever... 'n we had the house to ourselves fer the first time... 'n a real bed ta... uh... be in... fer the first time too... 'Cept fer that one night in tha' motel room anyways..."
"How'd you know tha' was when...?"
"I guess maybe 'cause that's when I started believin' too... justa l'il anyways..."
"Ya did, huh...?"
"Well it sure as hell woulda helped if'n ya woulda shared tha' piece of information with me at the time."
"Well it sure as hell woulda."
"Wha'...? Like you think I ever coulda said that out loud back then...?"
"I guess not."
"You bet not."
"I love yer dumb ass, Ed."
"I love yers too, Hank."
A little while later...
"So's... mountains here we come..."
"Ya know, Ed..."
"We ain't gettin' motorcycles, Hank."
"Yer no fun."
"Yeah, I am."
A while later...
"Uh... I guess maybe we came up a l'il too high..."
"Yeah... Just a l'il..."
"Well... we could carry the tent 'n stuff up the hill 'n set up by tha' tree..."
"There ain't enough room there, Hank."
"We can kick some a tha' snow aside... it ain't near as deep there as elsewhere..."
"'N you do realize the truck's almost a half mile back down that unplowed snow-covered road ya dragged me up, dontcha...?"
"I'd say it weren't much more than a third of a mile."
"Well I ain't luggin' all tha' stuff up here... Not through tha' deep snow anyways... Not even if'n we had the snowshoes with us... Which we don't."
"We can camp with the bare minimum... tent... sleepin' bags... chairs... stove... 'n food... I bet two trips is all it'll take..."
"That's all we camp with anyways, dumbass... 'N speakin' a bears... we'd hafta find another tree a ways away from these ones ta hang our food... 'n we ain't prepared fer tha' neither... 'N if'n a real hungry grizzly came along he'd prob'bly just decide ta go fer the two tasty morsels gift-wrapped on the ground 'n not bother with tryin' ta climb the damn tree... or knock it down... these here are small enough that he could prob'bly jus' knock 'em down..."
"There ain't no grizzly bears around here."
"You were sayin'...?"
"Never mind."
"Well... how 'bout we just head back down a l'il ways...? Not too far down where there's lots a folks... just far 'nough down so's were outta the snow... I thought I saw a promisin' lookin' road a ways back..."
"Cain't hurt ta check it out..."
"Here it is..."
"Well... it seems like a purty good road... fer the most part anyways..."
"It's a real good road... 'N there still ain't no one else around..."
"Yeah... Although I'm a l'il worried about gettin' back down past a couple a spots on tha' road with bad drop-offs if'n the weather changes on us 'n we get snow or a whole lotta rain 'n tha' road gets all muddy..."
"The weather ain't gonna change on us, Ed..."
"You were sayin'...?"
"Apparently yer weather predictin' abilities are on the fritz."
"Well... what's the worst tha' could happen...? It migh' snow or rain a bunch 'n we'd get stuck up here fer a while... So's we'd just wait fer the snow ta melt 'n the road ta dry out..."
"Well we only got supplies ta last us about about four or five days... if'n we're careful..."
"We'd got more than that if'n you'd a let us stop 'n restock at tha' place... But you didn't wanna pay the prices they were chargin'..."
"Tha' was goddamn highway robbery... even fer where it was..."
"Well... whaddya wanna do...? Chance stayin' up here 'n hope the road back down stays okay... or move on ta somewheres else...?"
"Well... I don't exactly wanna sit up here in the rain 'n snow... wonderin' how bad it's gonna get 'n how long it's gonna last..."
"I could make it worth yer while..."
"I know ya could... But you can make it worth my while somwheres where the weather's nicer too..."
"Where d'ya got in mind...?"
"I dunno... yer the mediocre weather psychic..."
"So's... maybe we should head ta some diff'rent mountains... Them Tetons'll prob'bly be near as busy as Yellowstone... But the southern part a them Big Horn Mountains most likely won't be..."
"They're also all the way acrost the state..."
"They're way less than half way acrost the state... We could make it there before dark easy..."
"I dunno, Hank... Ya know damn well weather usually travels from west ta east out here... so's I doubt the weather's gonna be any better over there..."
"Yeah... well they're a l'il further south 'n a ways away... so there's a chance it'll be better... Besides... they ain't as high as here 'n if'n the weather's bad it's more likely ta be rain 'n not snow 'n we're less likely ta get stuck nowheres..."
"Well... maybe..."
"'N we can stop in Cody 'n pick-up supplies... Maybe that ol' grocery store is still standin'... Remember...? The one where I was rollin' them big ol' cans a industrial-sized beans atcha...?"
"That ain't somethin' I'd easily ferget."
"It was still there last time we came through this way... So's there's a chance it's still there now... Too bad that ol' diner is gone... where I first laid eyes on ya again after so damn long... 'n too bad tha' motel is long-gone too... I sure wouldn't mind revisitin' that ol' room... 'n re-enactin' the events of tha' particular evenin'..."
"Ya do remember tha' place was kinda a dump, dontcha Hank...?"
"Not that night it weren't."
"True 'nough."
"'N lucky fer us tha' place was built with cinder block walls..."
"You can say that again."
"Sure wish we had a souvenir of tha' place... Besides jus' the postcard I mean... I shoulda took the ashtray..."
"There weren't no ashtrays... Remember...? We had ta use them paper cups... 'n one of 'em caught fire 'cause we got... uh... distracted... Besides... we got each other... don't we...?"
"Yep... 'N who could ask fer anythin' more...?"
"Not me."
"Me neither."
"Jeez... If'n it's doin' this down here... who knows what it's doin' up where we were..."
"It's prob'bly one helluva snowstorm."
"Ya know... it mighta been kinda nice... bein' snowed in up there with ya..."
"Dammit, Ed..."
Down the road a piece in Cody...
"Too bad tha' grocery store's gone too... I was really lookin' forward ta embarrasin' you with giant cans a beans... 'N I cain't believe that other grocery store didn't carry 'em neither..."
"Well you managed ta embarrass me well 'nough with them condoms anyways."
"Hell... I jus' wanted ta know wha' kind ya wanted... 'N if'n you had stayed by me instead a wanderin' away then I wouldna had ta yell..."
"Ya know damn well I don't care wha' kind ya get... 'N I don't see why ya jus' didn't pack enough ta begin with."
"'Cause we only use 'em when we go campin'... 'N I thought we had plenty left over from the last trip... but we didn't..."
"That's on accounta yer always jumpin' on me."
"'N you on me."
"True 'nough."
"But I still wish tha' store woulda had them giant cans a beans... Tha' woulda been the icin' on the cake..."
"'S a real tragedy. You should write to the manager 'n complain."
"I'll do that."
"I wouldn't doubt it."
"So's... Ya wanna stop anywheres else, Ed...?"
"Nah... I wanted ta get the hell outta here back then 'n get ya all ta myself... 'n I'm feelin' about the same righ' now..."
"No stoppin' it is."
"Why ya pullin' over, Hank...?"
"Ta take a picture a this sign... Wouldya lookit tha'..."
"I see it well enough."
"I s'pose maybe that's where Annie Proulx got the idea fer the name..."
"I s'pose."
"'S kinda weird... seein' tha' sign... after seein' tha' tent just this mornin'..."
"Well... that ain't the name a the mountain we met on... 'n ya got yer picture... so's let's get goin'..."
"This ain't what I meant, Hank... Turn the damn truck around..."
"Dontcha wanna see what's down this here road...?"
"No thanks."
"C'mon, Ed... Let's just take a quick look... Justa few miles maybe..."
"I said 'no', Hank... So's stop this here truck 'n turn it around righ' now."
"Okay... okay... why the hell are ya gettin' yer jeans in such a twist over it...? I just wanted ta go a l'il ways..."
"I dunno... It jus' seems like that's their story... not ours... not all of it anyways... 'n thanks be fer tha'... 'n I jus' don't think we should go lookin' fer 'em..."
"We don't even know there is another them... Tha' story could be based just on us... 'n the rest is pure fiction..."
"Well... I sure as hell hope so... 'N let's just leave it tha' way then..."
"Besides... even if'n there were another pair a fellas... she didn't take no names from anywheres that had anythin' ta do with us... 'n she wouldna taken the name from a place tha' really had somethin' ta do with them..."
"Just turn the damn truck around."
"Fine. I'm turnin' the damn truck around... Jeez..."
A few minutes later...
"Ya know, Ed..."
"Drop it, Hank."
"I know ya don't like thinkin' about Ennis maybe bein' real... 'n bein' out there alone somewheres... maybe livin' down one a these dirt roads..."
"If'n ya know I don't like thinkin' about it then why the hell are ya talkin' about it...?"
"'N I know it's sad... It's damn sad... But... the way I try 'n think about it is... well... least-wise Ennis loved 'n was loved... 'N it sure as hell mighta took him way too long ta realize it... 'n it sure as hell mighta caused him 'n Jack a whole lotta pain... but I betcha anythin'... if'n he could do it all over again he'd go fer Jack just the same... 'N the same goes fer Jack... 'N if'n Ennis had a second chance I'd bet he'd sure as hell go fer tha' sweet life when it was offered up to him too..."
"Wouldya just drop it already, Hank..."
"...'N I don't believe fer a minute that... if Jack hadn't been killed... that he woulda given up on Ennis..."
"Sure seemed like he was givin' up on him ta me... Not that he didn't have reason ta give up on him I guess..."
"Well... alls I know is I never coulda walked away from you... 'n I cain't believe Jack woulda walked away from Ennis..."
"Yeah...? Well what about that ultimatum ya said you were plannin' on givin' me...? Tha' sure as hell made it sound like you were gonna walk yerself away from me... Not tha' you didn't have good reason ta too..."
"Well lucky fer me I didn't ever gotta do it."
"But you were gonna."
"I know I said tha'... 'N... if'n ya migh' recall... I also told ya I ain't sure I ever coulda done it... 'cause it woulda meant riskin' losin' wha' we did have... which was a helluva lot more time together than Ennis 'n Jack ever had... But even if I had managed it... I doubt I woulda stuck to it fer long... Hell... I prob'bly jus' woulda dogged ya all relentless-like up ta the day ya fin'lly gave in..."
"Sounds like I woulda needed one a them restrainin' orders."
"You sure as hell woulda... Least-wise 'til ya looked me in the eye 'n told me tha' ya didn't love me no more 'n asked me ta leave ya the hell alone."
"Well tha' never woulda happened."
"'N that's somethin' else I just couldn't help believin'."
And a few minutes after that...
"I got an idea, Ed..."
"Jeez... Wouldya just drop it already... Ya know sometimes yer just like a dog with a bone... Worse even..."
"You don't even know what it's about."
"Fine. What's yer idea...?"
"How 'bout I write ta Annie 'n ask her outright if'n there were other fellas she based tha' story on too...?"
"Like I said... Dog with a damn bone... Hell... I sure miss them dumbass dogs... 'N least-wise they shut the hell up when I ask 'em to."
"...'n if''n them fellas ended up the way she wrote it... or if they're maybe still out there 'n still gettin' together like they always did... or maybe they even ended up together permanent-like too..."
"She wouldn't tell ya... Ya know she swore she'd never tell no one about us... 'Course yer doin' a real good job a that all on yer own..."
"Don't you go startin' in on that, Ed."
"I won't start if you don't start."
"Start what...? Alls I'm doin' is offerin' ta ask her... Sure... chances are she won't tell us... But I'm willin' ta ask on the off-chance she will... 'n then we'd know fer sure one way or the other..."
"She won't tell... 'N I wouldn't want her to... 'N neither should you... 'N besides... well... maybe I don't wanna know fer sure one way or the other... Especially if'n it's the other..."
"Okay... fine... I won't write 'n ask her..."
"Drop it, Hank."
"Fine. I'll drop it. Jeez..."
A while later...
"So much fer the weather bein' better over here..."
"It'll be better tomorrow, Ed..."
"Ya wanna bet...?"
"Yep... 'Bet yer bottom dollar... tha' tomorrow there'll be sun... Tomorrow... Tomorrow'..."
"'N the weather may be bad... but I don't think it's gonna snow..."
"I wouldn' be so sure about tha'."
"Why not...?"
"'Cause them flowers are wearin' their fur coats..."
"But even if it don't snow... we might end up havin' the same problem here... it still migh' let loose with a whole buncha rain 'n do a real number on them dirt roads..."
"So's... d'ya wanna camp at this here lake campground instead then...? It ain't too busy this time a year... We can move somewheres else tomorrow if... or I guess I should say when... the weather improves..."
"I've had more than my fill a developed campgrounds... even if'n this one ain't real busy..."
"No dirt roads 'n no developed campgrounds...? Yer kinda tyin' my hands here, Ed... But... I think I mighta seen a rocky two-track headin' off a this road a few miles back... Ya wanna go check that out...?"
"Cain't hurt..."
"Here it is..."
"Well... it is nice 'n rocky... so's it shouldn't go bad on us if it rains... or pours even..."
"Looks like this is the end a the road..."
"Tha' bridge musta washed out a long time ago..."
"I'd say so."
"Well... it ain't near as far off the main road as I'd like..."
"But leastwise it's a real purty spot, Ed... 'N there ain't no one else around... So's ya wanna set up camp here...?"
"I guess it's as good a place as any."
"'N a helluva lot better than most."
"Damn... we got ev'rythin' set up just in time..."
"It sure is rainin' ta beat the band..."
"But ya gotta admit... 'S real nice... bein' all warm 'n dry in here 'n all..."
"Fer now anyways."
"Hand me Betty's cds wouldya, Ed... I'm gonna put on some music ta try 'n improve tha' mood yer in..."
"There ain't nothin' wrong with my mood."
"That's yer story, huh...?"
"Yep. 'N I'm stickin' to it."
"We'll see about tha'."
"So's, Hank...?"
"D'ya think you can get them restrainin' orders kinda specific-like...? Ya know... like one tha'd restrain ya from listenin' ta anythin' but country music within a hund'erd yards a me...?"
"Could be. You should check it out when we get back home."
"I'll do tha'... 'N Bill'd prob'bly wanna get in on it with me too... 'Course he's usually workin' so's yer never hardly within' a hun'erd yards a him anyways..."
"You 'n Bill should run off together... You'd make a real fine couple... You could live happily ever after workin' yer fingers ta the bone..."
"Don't think I ain't considered it."
"So's what's stoppin' ya...?"
"Bill's straight."
"I can see where tha' migh' be a problem."
"'N I love yer dumb ass too much."
"I can see where tha' migh' be a problem too."
"Yeah... near as I can figure there ain't no gettin around it."
"Glad ta hear it... Here's what I'm lookin' fer... 'N fer once I can turn it up nice 'n loud..."
"I can't hardly wait."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-LjnFzhYi0 "The moment I'd wake up... Before I'd put on my make-up..."
"...'I'd say a l'il prayer for you... While combin' my hair now... 'n wonderin' what dress to wear now... I'd say a l'il prayer for yooou... Forever and ever you'll stay in my heart and I will love you... forever and ever we never will part... oh how I love you... Together... Forever... that's how it must be... to live without you would only mean heartbreak for meee... Woooo woooo wooo wooo..."
"You'd say a l'il prayer...? Snort..."
"I thought ya'd be more likely ta question the puttin' on the make-up... Or the wonderin' what dress to wear parts..."
"I ain't ever seen you prayin'."
"You ain't ever seen me in make-up 'n a dress neither."
"I'd consider tha' more likely."
"Okay... how 'bout I'd say a l'il prayer to you instead a for you...? 'Cause yer the only one who coulda made it happen.... 'N I'm exceedin'ly happy ta say... ya sure as hell did answer my prayers..."
"...'I'd say a little prayer to yooou... Forever and ever you'll stay in my heart and I will love yooou... forever and ever we never will part... Oh how I love yooou... Together... Forever... that's how it must be... to live without you would only mean heartbreak for meeee'..."
"I know fer a fact tha' no judge would refuse a restrainin' order ta keep ya from singin' like that anywheres near anyone..."
"You go right ahead 'n try."
"I'll do tha'."
"Of course... in my own defense... I'll hafta go ta court 'n demonstrate exactly what is yer objectin' to... 'I'd say a l'il prayer to you'..."
"Great. Jus' great."
"But... ya know, Ed... maybe I don't believe in none a them man-made religions..."
"I'd say 'don't believe' is puttin' it mildly."
"'N I don't know if'n there's a God or not... 'n I sure as hell couldn't believe in the kinda hate-filled god yer folks believed in... Or a god who'd fix it so's we'd be happy while keepin' it from other folks..."
"Yeah. Me neither."
"But... ev'ry single night... when I see ya there... lyin' next ta me... I can't help but send a big ol' thank you out inta the universe... even if'n I ain't exactly sure ta who, what or where I'm sendin' it..."
"Me too, Hank."
"So's, Ed...?"
"You cold...?"
"Nope. I'm good."
"Uh... Lemme try puttin' it another way... Could ya use some heatin' up...?"
"Migh' that involve us strippin' down ta just our socks...?"
"Then I could definitely use some heatin' up."
"'N I'll even dig out them knit hats if'n ya want me to..."
"Nah... Just socks'll do just fine."
"C'mere, Ed..."
The next mornin'...
"Now that was a real good night..."
"It sure was."
"'N... if'n I do say so myself... this here is a real nice day..."
"It sure is."
"Nice spot too."
"It sure is."
"So's... whaddya wanna do today, Ed...?"
"I got a whole lotta stuff planned..."
"Such as...?"
"Sittin' in this here chair soakin' up the sun 'n watchin' the water rush by..."
"Countin' the leaves on them there Aspens..."
"I guess somebody's gotta do it."
"'N when I'm through with that it should be about time fer lunch..."
"I'd say so."
"'N then after that... I was plannin' on takin' a nice, long nap..."
"There's a surprise."
"'N then when I wake up..."
"Before ya put on yer makeup...?"
"I thought maybe I could hold yer hand fer a while."
"Ya know... I jus' migh' be able ta arrange it so's you could hold my hand righ' now..."
"Hand it over, Hank..."
"You got it, Ed."