At the latest report, eBay bids on Sony Playstation 3's have gone up to 3000 dollars.My question: who the fuck would pay 3000 dollars for a PS3? Can't you wait TWO OR THREE FUCKING MONTHS
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Wow. Picture this: you're a sixteen-year-old girl, going to high school and just trying to live your life. Then, one day, some psychopath comes into your school, takes you hostage, and kills you.
Sometimes my own problems seem rather insignificant by comparison.
So last Friday, I was online, minding my usual online business, when completely out of the blue, I get an IM from--of all people--Happyelf, aka Abel
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Well, the end of the week has finally arrived, and with it the close of my little experiment. I successfully managed to eliminate all meat from my diet, and restricted my caloric intake. Now, I realize that this may not seem like the world's greatest achievement, but from somebody whom the marketing executives from Carl's Jr. were thinking of
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