...as for the rest of you I find in a bit of a roleplaying dry season at the moment. So I have decided to run a game. Now the game I plan on running is 1930's pulp/occult. If you are interested please leave a comment. All comments are screened so you will not embarrass yourself or if you have my contact details just let me know. Timing wise I am
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Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen I have done a big spring clean and find myself with a number of books that I no longer desire or am unsure of their provenance. So I have decided to see if anyone on here wants them. Since otherwise they would just be put in a book bin.
As well as this I thought it would be a good time to raise some money for a
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Right before I post the official spiel, here is the low down as we say in the hood. I will me taking part in mo'vember this year. Which means that I will start the month clean shaven and will attempt to grow a handlebar moustache to rival the gayest leather daddy in the 80s. So to support me and to raise money for a worthy cause, mine and other
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