Title: Dear Myself
Author: neko-fish
Pairings: Akame, Ryopi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kazuya and Jin's relationship has been going downhill when help comes in the strangest way
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3//
Chapter 4//
Chapter 5//
Chapter 6//
Chapter 7//
Chapter 8//
Chapter 9//
Chapter 10//
Chapter 11 Chapter 12:
“Taguchi and Nakamaru, it’s your turn.”
Junno got up with a smile and walked away from Kame’s side with a “by the way Kame, you look really pretty today.”
The youngest member wasn’t sure how to reply so he nodded silently and watched the taller man leave only to be replaced by Ueda. He raised a brow at the frown on the other’s face, “Hey…something wrong?”
“Kame, you better tend to Jin.”
He looked up at the other, confusion evident, “What?”
The elder man looked over and pointed to the pouting figure, “he’s been like that for awhile now. By the way, you look like a girl.”
“Thanks…” The singer gave a sigh and walked over, tapping the other on the head, “…Jin? Are you sulking?”
The other didn’t look up, “No. I’m angsting.”
Kame raised a brow and resisted the urge to fiddle with his hair, “Why?”
“Because it’s either this or I go all jealous on Koki.”
“Oh, this is about the photo shoot hm?”
At this, Jin looked up, clearly irritated, “Yes! You’re always paired up with Koki now! It’s not fair!”
He gave a shrug and crossed his arms loosely, “Well it can’t be helped, we’re not supposed to be seen together on-air or in magazines, remember the warnings?”
“Those were just dumb! Who cares if we’re close on-air? No one’s complaining! Actually, everyone’s complaining now, with this whole ‘YOU-tachi have to distant yourselves’ thing!”
He couldn’t help but laugh at the other’s impression of the old man, “Everyone except Johnny-san.”
The elder gave a scoff, “he’s just jealous.”
Kame rolled his eyes, “Of course he is, one of the most powerful men in Japan’s jealous of the people who work for him.”
“Okay fine, maybe he’s not, but it’s still not fair.”
“It’s a photo shoot, there’s nothing to sulk about.”
“Yes there is, you two were practically kissing. Even I haven’t kissed you yet!”
He shot the elder an incredulous look, “What…that’s what you’re upset about!? Me and Koki’s proximity? It’s not like we actually kissed or anything!”
Jin frowned and argued back, “But you were close to it!”
“And what are you going to do about it? Complain to the photographers? Kick Koki like how you kicked Taguchi those times?”
“I already did, that’s not it though. I, am going to make you make it up to me.”
Kame looked over curiously, “Hm? And how would I make it up to you?”
His answer caused a smile to appear on the other’s face as he began thinking of all the possibilities, “You’ll see…”
“You want to do what!?”
“You didn’t hear me?”
“I heard you, but still, what!?”
“Yea…not exactly what I had in mind for a first kiss with you but it’ll do.”
“This took you a whole day to think of!?”
“Yes, you can tell how much thought I put into this.”
“But here? In the middle of work?”
“That’s what break time’s for!”
“Break time? But that’s-”
“Right now. Yea, I’m finding it pretty exciting, aren’t you?”
“What? You find making out in the break room during work exciting!?”
“Yes, it’d be even more exciting if it was someone else’s break room but it’s probably safer in KAT-TUN’s, no one’s in the room right now so let’s hurry. I promise you it’ll be exciting either way.”
“But-” He was cut off as he was pressed up against the door to their break room, Jin’s lips on his own. After a minute, he found himself giving up any attempt to protest or struggle, he closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around the other and went with the flow.
The elder man reached over and twisted the doorknob beside them, opening the door, allowing the two to enter the pitch black room. He had it all planned out in his mind as he kicked the door shut. They were going to make out on the couch which was a little to the left and it was going to be great.
So he led the younger man towards the sofa, their lips never detaching except for the occasional gasp for air. When they reached the couch, slowly, they leaned back until they could no longer fight gravity and fell backwards onto the cushions.
Or so they thought.
“Huh!? What the he-”
“Holy freaking hell!”
Then there were several ‘thuds’ followed by a particularly notable “Akira shock!”.
Panic setting in, Jin crawled around, frantically clawing the wall for a light switch. When the lights flickered on, he looked around to survey the situation only to have his jaw go slack. There was Pi and Kame sprawled out unceremoniously on the floor and Ryo who sat on the couch, slowly turning deeper shades of red.
He looked equally shocked as the three as he exclaimed, “Pi!? Ryo-chan!?”
Pi, who sat up rubbing his head with a slightly pained look, gave a sheepish grin, “Yo.”
Ryo on the other hand, buried his face in his hands and refused to make a sound.
Kame groaned and propped himself up into a sitting position, “What are you guys doing here?”
Yamapi looked up at the ceiling and immediately attempted to explain his side of the scenario without making eye contact, “Well you see…we had an argument a couple nights ag-”
He was cut off by his own best friend who had crawled back over and was sitting on the floor with them, a small frown etched on his face, “so you decided to make out on our couch.”
There was a long pause before Pi gave a small, nervous laugh, “Well…this is sufficiently awkward…”
Jin cleared his throat, “Yea…that was pretty awkward…making out on top of you guys and all that…”
His friend nodded, “Yep…it was awkward for us too…having you guys making out on top of us…while we were making out on your couch…”
Another long pause before the eldest began musing, “I never knew Ryo-chan was that strong…throwing all three of us off the couch at the same time…”
When Ryo didn’t reply, the younger man scooted closer to him and came to a terrible conclusion, “I think we broke Ryo-chan…or turned him into a tomato…”
Jin sighed, the mood was completely dead. On one hand, he felt somewhat bad for ruining the other pair’s moment, yet on the other hand it was their break room, so technically it was their right to make out in it. “So why’d you guys come here?”
The singer held up his fingers and began listing the reasons, “first of all, we couldn’t do anything in our room since the others were there. And we couldn’t go to Arashi’s room because Ryo-chan said they were probably having a ‘big Arashi make out party’ and he wasn’t interested in joining. Kanjani8 were still practicing when we went by and Tackey and Tsubasa’s…you just don’t do that…”
The two nodded understandingly, Tackey and Tsubasa’s room was strictly off limits. Simply because no one ever knew when they were in it or not and whenever they were in it…they made very good use of the room.
“I’m not even going to go into the Kinki Kids and other senpai, that’s equally bad, if not worse. And I’d feel bad if we were caught by the juniors…so we ended up here, I mean, there was no one here and all…yea…sorry…”
“No…” Jin puffed his cheeks a bit, “it’s not completely your fault…I guess we should’ve made…more noise? You know, to alert you and all that.”
Yamapi gave a small nod and got up, “break time’s almost over…I better get Ryo-chan back and try to fix him…I’ll see you guys later, when it’s less awkward.”
“Wait, Pi.”
“Was it more exciting making out in someone else’s room?”
The younger man gave a laugh and grinned mischievously, “Way more exciting, you should try it some time.”
“…well that was a first.”
“Yes it was…” Kame watched as the other plopped back onto the floor with a sigh, he had to admit, it was infinity times more interesting than his actual first kiss with Jin. That time, they were just staring at each other on the couch at home when Jin decided to give him a light kiss before heading off to bed. Though they were both equally special in his mind, this was definitely more breathtaking.
“I told you it’d be exciting.”
He raised a brow, “It was exciting alright…except we ended up on Ryo-chan and Pi, and we possibly broke Ryo-chan.”
“Pi will get him fixed, don’t worry about it.”
Then his phone rang, Jin blinked and picked up, “Jin! Help! I can’t get Ryo-chan fixed!”
“What? I’m putting you on speakerphone.”
“I’ve tried everything! I tried kissing him, I tried annoying him, I tried bribing him, I even showed him a picture of Leah Dizon!”
The two winced, realizing how severe the situation was when Pi mentioned the model. It was no secret that he was possessive, especially when Leah Dizon was mentioned. In the background they could hear the other members frantically trying to snap the singer out of his state of shock.
“Ryo-tan! Hang in there! According to my psychology book…” then there was crying, “I forgot my book at home! I’m sorry Ryo-tan! I’m so sorry!”
“Nishikido-kun, are you hungry!?”
“Was someone bullying you!?”
“Did your brain implode!?”
“Do you want a hug!?”
“Leader! Are you done consulting yet!?”
“No! Wait a sec!”
“Please don’t die on us, Ryo-tan!”
Thinking as quickly as he could, Kame yelled into the phone, “Do you have a picture of him with blond hair?”
“Do we have a picture of Ryo-chan’s sunshine hair!?”
“No sir!”
“He made us burn all the copies we had, remember?”
“Then he went around taking all the copies from the other groups.”
The K sighed, “Well, we don’t have a copy either, you’re going to have to find one and shove it in his face and keep it there until he cracks.”
“Okay, got it. Thanks bye!”
“NEWS, come over here!” The four other members immediately moved and stood in front of him. Yamapi cleared his throat, “Alright, let’s get on with Operation Sunshine. Here’s what we have to do, we have to find a picture or pictures of Ryo-chan’s sunshine hair and bring it back here and make him stare at it until he gets angry or something.”
Tegoshi raised his hand, “Where are we going to find pictures of sunshine Ryo-tan? I’m pretty sure he made sure that there were none left.”
“We’re going to have to go look in the other peoples’ break rooms, practice rooms, changing rooms and all those, there’s bound to be a copy that he missed.” He looked over when the youngest member raised his hand again, “Yes Tegoshi?”
“Do we get to speak in secret codes?”
“Well this is an operation so…sure why not? Shige?”
Shige frowned, “What if we walk into other people doing things?”
Their leader looked thoughtful for a moment, “Knock before you go in?”
“Good idea, leader!”
The smartest member of the group frowned, “We really need ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs around here…”
“Yes we do! But now’s not the time to be thinking about things like that! We have to get Ryo-chan fixed!”
Koyama nodded, “Let’s get going! Go member love!”
The four cheered, “okay,” Pi put on a serious face, “Tegomasu, you two take the juniors’ rooms, I’ll take the senpai’s rooms, and Koyato, you two take whatever I didn’t mention. Got it?”
The other four obediently saluted, “Got it!”
“Let’s go then! Initiate Operation Sunshine!”
“Do you hear a ruckus outside?”
Kame nodded and looked up from his magazine, suddenly there was a knock on the door, “Who’s at the door, Jin?”
“I don’t know…”
Outside, they could hear a pair of voices, whispering not so silently, “Go in already!”
“No you go in first! What if they’re in there doing stuff!? Nishikido-kun’s warned me about this before…”
“You’re paranoid! Just go in!”
“Wait…if you’re calling me paranoid, why don’t you go in first?”
“Because! Just go!”
Jin looked back at Kame before stepping up to the door and opening it, causing Koyama and Shige to stare at him in horror, “…do you need help with something or something?”
The elder of the two asked cautiously, “Sorry…were we interrupting anything?”
The A shot them funny looks, “Not really…just found out about the extended break, we’re just lounging around…”
Shige straightened his back and cleared his throat, “Well in that case, would you happen to have a picture of Nishikido-kun’s strands of sunshine?”
“You mean his sunshine hair?”
“He made us throw ours out the second we got it. Why?”
Koyama sighed, “You see…after break ended, Yamapi came back with Ryo-chan and Ryo-chan was…broken…”
Jin carefully avoided any eye contact, “Oh really…I wonder what happened…”
“Me too, poor Ryo-chan…”
The A gave a small laugh, “well, good luck with getting his pictures…I’ll see you guys later…”
“Thanks, see you later.”
After he closed the door he sighed, “On the brighter note, we got NEWS to do a fun team bonding activity…”
Kame didn’t reply and went back to reading his magazine.
When the band reassembled in their practice room, everyone had a magazine or a clipping in their hands, Yamapi grinned happily, “Good job team! Where’d you find all these?”
Tegoshi smiled, quite proud of himself, “We found one in Ya-ya-yah’s room and another in the Kansai Jr.’s room! They weren’t in so we snuck around and got it! We were like super secret ninja agent spies, right Massu?”
Shige held up the magazine in his hand, “Got ours from Kanjani8.”
Pi held up what he’d found, “I got mine from Tackey and Tsubasa.” Apparently not even Ryo dared to walk into the duo’s room.
There was a long pause after his announcement, then Shige looked over worriedly, “Are you alright Yamashita-kun? Were they in the room?”
“Yes they were…but I knocked first…you know…just incase they were doing…yoga…again…”
“Leader’s so brave!”
“You’re lucky you’re their favorite, anyone else, and they would’ve been attacked by Tackey-senpai or something, I mean he’s only willing to spare you and Tsubasa-senpai.”
Yamapi laughed, “That’s not…necessarily true. Anyways, back to the matter at hand, I think we should all randomly shove these pictures in Ryo-chan’s face until he explodes, agreed?”
The four gave another cheer, “Agreed!”
Luckily, it didn’t take a lot of patience before Ryo’s eye began twitching. A moment later he was yelling at them, “Where the hell did you get these!? Didn’t I burn them all!?”
Pi broke out into a happy grin and launched himself at the older man, “Ryo-chan! You’re fixed!”
Tegoshi followed a moment after, and he was soon followed by the other three which resulted them nearly crushing Ryo to death in a massive group hug/dog pile on the couch.
Jin looked down at his phone, they’d gone home already on the account that their choreographer never showed up, he smiled, “They fixed Ryo-chan.”
“That’s good…they spent all their practice time looking for magazines?”
“Apparently, it’s all worth it though, right?”
“I suppose if you look at it that way…”
He sighed, “Kame-chan’s become so mature…I remember when you used to scream like a girl while riding on rollercoasters…”
The younger man scoffed, “And I remember you screaming like a girl at candles being lit.”
“That just surprised me!”
“Of course it did.”
The A huffed and got up, “I’m going to take a shower,” but before he headed off, he leaned down and gave Kame a peck on the lips, “the second kiss is just as special as the first, bet you didn’t know that. They’re the special-est kisses.”
A minute later, Jin poked his head out from the bathroom, “Sorry, I lied. All kisses are equally special if they’re yours.”
Kame blinked, a smile working its way up onto his lips, “Idiot…”
While the other was taking his shower, the K decided to go and walk into the other’s old room. He sighed at the mess but noticed something that looked a bit out of place. There was a calendar on the desk, one he’d never seen before.
It was a simple calendar with little cartoon turtles dancing around the page. The illustrations made him smile, then he noticed that there were numbers scribbled on top of dates.
Blinking, his eyes traced the numbers back to the first one to find a little picture of a rather poorly drawn dog getting hit by an equally poorly drawn car. The square for the second number had a turtle walking the dog back to its doghouse. He’s been keeping track of everything that’s happened?
On the third day there was a pig that joined the turtle and the dog, they all looked very happy, with unrealistically large smiles drawn on their faces. And of course, the pig had a cell phone in on of its piggy hands. That must be Pi…he couldn’t help but laugh at how Jin decided to have a pig represent his best friend.
Skimming through, he noted that the angry looking cat-rabbit-thing must’ve been Ryo. He couldn’t figure out whether Jin couldn’t pick between drawing a cat or a rabbit as Ryo, or he just drew a cat with ears that were abnormally long, or he screwed up drawing the rabbit and gave it an extra long tail. Maybe he was trying to represent the bipolar sides of the singer, he did, after all, have strange ways of expressing his ways.
On the sixth day, there were several hearts drawn around the turtle, filling up the box. The next day was of the four animals looking rather shocked at a black blob Kame assumed to be the spider from that day. He continued moving up until he reached the last illustration which was their current date.
Day 10…
“So this is why he goes to his room first when he gets back…” There was a picture of the dog and turtle kissing while in the background, there was a very panicked looking pig and a very red cat-rabbit-thing. He laughed and decided that the other really needed a hobby.
Kame scanned the rest of the page, looking for when the numbers stopped. When he finally reached it, the smile on his lips was replaced with a frown. His brows furled when he reached the number thirty, and the writing in the box stated ‘One Month’.
A/N: Jin's been counting down the days until a month. School's terrible, I'll only update on weekends...probably. I really can't think of anything else to write here, so I'm going to do my homework and possibly type up the next chapter. Enjoy!
Random question: If KAT-TUN and NEWS were to compete in something, anything, who do you think would win?