man i must be bored.

May 25, 2006 22:55

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is sha_clacky's favorite game? definitely twister
2) Is bikinibandit related to you? sista from anotha mista
3) Where did you first meet pedro1620? holy crap 2nd grade.
4) Is bikinibandit an emo? HA. she eats emos for breakfast.
5) What would you do if suckafoo died? steal her funny shit.
6) Is bikinibandit a nerd? if by nerd, you mean bamf, then yes.
7) Has funkyfreash been to your house/dorm? chyea.
8) What animal does ihatealiases remind you of? mr. winkles.
9) What is ihatealiases's favorite color? gay
10) Is thesethfiles in a relationship? with like a dozen chicks who don't know : )
11) If desirousvault were hanging off a cliff, what would thesethfiles do? draw it.
12) What is hibiscusblue's favorite movie? breakfast at tiffanys? 7 yr old itch? half baked?
13) Does looneybahs do drugs? prolly
14) Do you have a crush on capt_devine? oh YEA
15) Did groovehero break up with you? not yet
16) Does wigi701 smoke? MAD weed, yo.
17) Are ktheus and looneybahs going steady? negatory
18) Are xphenomenatorx and looneybahs married? not until it's legal
19) Would pedro1620 and coleyolio look good together? his gf might get mad
20) If thesethfiles was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? "Illogical Man"
21) Are desirousvault and detention going out? noper
22) What word best describes sha_clacky? ROCKET-SAUCE
23) Is desirousvault a high school student? not anymore HAHA
24) Thoughts on akewlsob? miss you...
25) Is ihatealiases athletic? i could take him.
26) Do you think groovehero is hot? like butta
27) Is suckafoo related to wigi701? yea he wishes
28) Would zepheron and ihatealiases make a good couple? totally. and i'm serious.
29) How tall is akewlsob? tall enough
30) What is logamos2001's favorite food? bark
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