I have a prediction about the direction in which Zack Snyder will be taking Watchmen: because he will have to streamline the narrative a good deal, he'll be shifting focus from the truly ensemble cast of characters we see in the book to a more central protagonist. I'm certain that, given his prior record of over-the-top fascist filmmaking with
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A friend of mine recently adopted a top-rated Cat That Looks Like Hitler named Spoony! My friend did this for lulz, wanting to pre-empt Interblag skinheads who were chattering about taking Spoony for themselves, probably for some nefarious Kittehs from Brazil plot
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My appetite for new music has gotten pretty anemic since I've gone back to school, but I'll still put forth a pick for album of the year: Receivers by Parts & Labor (you can listen to the whole album on that website
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