Verily the world is a strange place. Orlando is a blowhard of a city, and a place I hope to never live again, though, in a sense, I guess it is a good experience to live here now so I know to avoid it in the future
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Hello friends, I am now in Florida. It is sunny and the air conditioning is on. My phone number is the same if you need to call, and email is the same, but I have no idea what my address is. Much love out there, more on my life laters. peace and love
My mom gave me a long lecture this morning about how the whole family thinks I have the most gifts, and am the most talented, and has the ability to go really really far in life. Therefore, I have also been the biggest disappointment to them... Uh... yeah. Great.
I have a writing journal for this stuff usually, but I think there isn't much need for two journals for me. Not enough people read either one of them to justify the existence of both. In that regard, there are two posts this evening, contained within this one
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The fates have it out for me. Fucking bitches. I hate them. I want to meet them in the afterlife, and bitch slap them over and over again, then shove those goddamn scissors in their blind eyesockets.