It might be easier for people to think that I am a cold unfeeling bitch. It might be easier for you to think that I'm manipulative. It might be easier for you to believe that I'm callous, cold, caluculative, cruel
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Bruce just went to Cafe Aeon with Jen. I stayed here. To use the computer and waste my life away. I was thinking about going biking today but biking alone really fucking blows. Anyone want to get some playing cards and put them in our spokes and terrorize the neighborhood. I stole some Marlboro Reds from my Mom and we could ride out to the forest
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Madison was good. I'm all sorts of tired because I got very little sleep, but I had a really good time. I am totally moving in with Adam, the way we get along is irrational. No two people should get along like we do. At all
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