Master Post: The Anatomy of a Fall

Jun 17, 2010 10:58

Title: The Anatomy of a Fall
Fandom: Bandom, mainly MCR with other bands in supporting roles
Pairings: Frank/Gerard
Rating/Warnings: NC-17. Violence, homophobia, character death (but the character's still there--there's a fair amount of delving into the subject of death and dying, though, so be aware of that.) There's also some bizarre supernatural sex, but no necrophilia. Just putting that out there now, in case anyone was worried. NO NECROPHILIA.
Word Count: ~107,500

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve

And now up at AO3 as well!

Summary: The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand.

Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content:

OMFG, I don't know what I did to get so lucky, but hot damn, you guys, did I ever hit the jackpot here. More squee and raving can be found under the links, but please please please check out these mixes and pieces of art, and let the creators know how amazing they are. I am seriously overwhelmed by it. GO, GIVE THEM LOVE.

Who You Gonna Call, by galaxyaway 
what else is there to say, by queen_of_goat

one piece by arabel 
one piece by formerlydf 
two pieces by sunlit_paradox
ETA: two pieces by apocalypse_me

Author's Note: HOLY FUCKING SHIT, do I have a lot of people to thank. I know long author's notes are a pain, but man, that is just too bad, because this story has been a beast to raise to adulthood, and basically an entire village has been involved.

All of the people that I've flailed at incessantly for the last couple months, thank you. For your encouragement and kind words, but also not just throttling me when I constantly whined and fretted and panicked about it (Lal, Jen, McKenzie, Mandi, Jenny, Jules: I am looking at you. <3 <3 <3). And, of course my amazing fanmixers and artists, who just -- wow, believe me, there will be more flailing and in-depth squee in each of your posts.
Now we get to the rambling part of this post. The idea for this story came to me over two years ago, and it was through posting asking for help with it that I made two of my very best friends on the internet or off, fictionalfaerie and softlyforgotten. You both expressed interest, and were altogether lovely and insightful, and I pounced and never looked back. You were my first fandom friends, and the reason I became active and started really writing. Ashley, I love you to bits. We've had so many adventures together, and it's all because you commented telling me that yeah, you guessed this could be a great story if I didn't fuck it up, and thus I fell in love. <3 Thank you so much. Mik, you are one of the most wonderful, gifted, talented and clever people I know. I don't know what made you look at those tiny snippets I posted, but I feel so, so lucky that you did. You've both made my life so much better for knowing you, and offered such great advice, and if this fic is dedicated to anyone, it's dedicated to you.

And of course, I have to thank perspexsea for waiting so fucking long to get the ending of this story after I shoved the first half at her yea, these many years ago. Hope it was worth the wait, bb. <3 <3 <3

But most of all, I have to thank my betas, who put in a MONUMENTAL amount of effort and without whom, this fic would be so much poorer. Just, I cannot even say how much it means to me, the amount of work they did.

shiningartifact , you were the best cheerleader anyone could ever have, seriously. Whenever I got down these last few months, you were there encouraging me, and your enthusiasm for the story gave me so much oomph to actually finish, to make it something to be proud of. Thank you for all the times you read this behemoth over, and for all your insight and help, and I'm sorry about all the sneering.

And of course there is brimtoast. I would have given up on this without you. The story would never have been finished, and it would have always driven me crazy, languishing away on my hard drive. You asked the hard questions, and made me think, and poked and prodded and kept me going, and I shudder to imagine what state this fic would be in without your insight. This really was an insanely gigantic task, getting the story together, and the fact that you were willing to work through it with me and put in so much effort has meant so much to me over the past year. I know people say this a lot, but I really can't thank you enough. You put up with my commas, and moments of despair, and meandering scenes of ~mood and ~scenery, and I love you so for it. And I assume you love me back, because I cannot imagine why else you would have suffered so for these past few months.

bandom, aoaf, bandombigbang, ramble, done, frank/gerard

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