The fruits of his labor

Jul 24, 2010 21:21

Hubby's idea this year was a 'small' garden, so as not to interfer too much with kitchen renovation time.  So he planted only about half the plants this year.

Warning, garden goodie photos abound! )

work, hummingbird, sunflowers

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Comments 12

amamama July 25 2010, 06:44:40 UTC
Wow. Those tomatoes look awesome! I want to sink my teeth into one. All that sauce, too. *drools* I'm very impressed. And hummingbirds... *sigh*


nundu_art July 25 2010, 13:15:20 UTC
The sauce is salsa. I put up so many quarts of spaghetti sauce and not much salsa last year, so I decided to remedy that problem. We go through a lot of salsa!


tdu000 July 25 2010, 07:04:46 UTC
I'm always impressed with your garden and your garden produce. And I'm blown away that you get hummingbirds in your garden. They seem far too exotic to be garden birds.


nundu_art July 25 2010, 13:19:00 UTC
I had never seen a hummingbird in 'person' before moving here. I realized we had them when I was dive bombed one evening as I sat on the porch surrounded by geraniums. I promptly got a feeder and nectar. We seem to have about 4 pair that live in our big old oak trees and happily empty that feeder twice a week. I don't know if they migrate, but I start filling the feeder a few weeks after the last freeze (about the time the vegetable garden goes in) and keep it filled until I risk breaking the glass bottle by keeping it full after the first frost.


coquillagement July 25 2010, 12:55:28 UTC
Nice hummingbird shot! I can never quite get good photos of mine. Which reminds me it's time to refill the feeder.
As for your garden bounty, it's wonderful! I see my first full-sized tomato ripening this morning. I've had some cherries but nothing bigger yet. Oh, to reap a harvest like yours! Thanks for sharing.


nundu_art July 25 2010, 13:20:09 UTC
I have an SLR camera and set it on 'sports' setting. It takes about 3 photos per second in that setting, perfect for capturing hummingbirds!


mollywheezy July 25 2010, 13:01:58 UTC
Beautiful pictures! I love hummingbirds, and flowers, and tomatoes . . .

I guess your plants knew there weren't as many of them and have accepted the challenge to step up production. ;D


nundu_art July 25 2010, 13:22:12 UTC
I think the plants are enjoying a bit of elbow room and the more attention they receive, being fewer.

We've been lucky with the rain. Just an occasional shower to keep everything green. I hope we get the promised remenants of Bonnie, but daughters got rain in Atlanta yesterday, so it may miss us. Pity, we need the rain!


ladywhizbee July 25 2010, 15:02:47 UTC
GAH! Just *look* at those gorgeous tomatoes! How do you keep the deer out of your tomatoes? We have such horrible luck. I've resorted to potted tomatoes on our deck--but they're just not the same.

We have hummingbirds, too. They're such fascinating little birds aren't they? I love watching them hover in space as they drink from a flower. It's just fascinating. I've often thought of getting a feeder, I think I will do so now. You've inspired me! :-)


nundu_art July 25 2010, 20:10:04 UTC
I love this feeder. It looks like an old coke bottle, but it isn't. I got it at Walmart. My hummingbirds actually perch on it whist sucking down the nectar. They particularly like it when I first fill the feeder and the nectar is fresh out of the frig.!


nundu_art July 25 2010, 20:16:05 UTC
I'm not sure why the deer leave our tomatoes alone. I guess they prefer the corn! We (Hubby) started potting the cherry tomatoes last year. They seem to prefer the more sheltered bed by the carport.


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