This quote from A.O. Scott's review of Juno in The New York Times really bothers me,
"Juno" also shares with "Knocked Up" an underlying theme, a message that is not anti-abortion but rather pro-adulthood. It follows its heroine - and by the end she has earned that title - on a twisty path toward responsibility and greater self-understanding.
Jun 08, 2007 11:06
Mystery solved! My aunt was trying to get in touch with me out of the blue because she had an extra ticket to
ThisI couldn't believe my good fortune. I had a hair appointment in Brooklyn at 6:00 PM that I could not cancel so there was a bit of a mad dash to make it to the theater in time to meet Laura before the 8:00 PM show. Or, rather, I
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Jun 04, 2007 12:38
I felt guilty about arriving so late. I had set out to arrive early but the trains take their sweet time on sleepy Sunday mornings. By the time I tied my apron and donned my hair net it was at least ten after six. Amy, the team leader, put me to work making peanut butter and jelly. On a normal Sunday morning I make 75 sandwiches between 6:00
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May 29, 2007 13:03
I have been having a lot of trouble with words recently. I blank often on common words, including the names of good friends. I often have to rewrite simple words multiple times because I scramble the order of letters, long words and short words. Despite many attempts to form the sounds, words like Guantanamo and Mastectomy will not come out of
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May 21, 2007 10:03
There is a photo I have on flickr that is slightly sleazy because my bra reflected the light from the flash of the camera and thus my boobs have a supernatural glow to them. The photo wasn't meant to be sleazy at all -- my mom took it! We were on our way to church for a wedding. Anyway, it is the most viewed photo I have in my photo stream and
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May 17, 2007 10:45
I was cleaning out my work e-mail this morning and this message from 2005 that I sent to the nurses I work with made me laugh out loud,
Good morning,
The reports that I spilled coffee on are drying here at my desk. I will distribute them when they are a little less drippy.
Good lord.
May 15, 2007 14:28
Did anyone see
"King of the Hill" on Sunday? Great episode, in one subplot Dale believes he has taken a ride into the future, when really he has only taken a ride to the corner to buy beer with Khan's delinquent nephew in his tricked out Mitsubishi. Dale, believing he is now in the year 2045, the military time on the Mitsubishi's space-age
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