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Thread List & Mallynap plots
Oct 20, 2011 23:48
† T H R E A D L I S T / M A L L Y N A P  P L O T S †
November 2011
First entry - Return of the Buttmonkey. Now with more tears.
Haruhi - Why is my not!niece wearing a bunny suit?
Meryl - Oh hey we've both been gone a month. Fancy that.
Nami - Snow with a high chance of falling navigators.
Luke - It's my baby girl's birthday soon! So don't fuck it up, son-in-law.
Raine - We met at the crossroads and had a reunion.
Suki - On weddings and romance. AKA Sanji shouldn't flirt with engaged ladies.
Ace - Operation: Help Ace Find A Shitty Hobby
Rapunzel - You look good in shoes, trust me.
Ace - Holy shit he's a baby.
Ace - Once more with feeling. Holy shit. Baby. B|
Richard - Missing them is the hardest part.
Franky - No nipple lights for fuck's sake.
Law - Sometimes we do what we do because we need to.
Paprika - You'd look hot eating ten hot dogs.
(bitty)Robin - have you ever thought why you like the sound of my voice?
(bitty)Robin - maybe one day we'll steal you away again.
Nami - calling all mikan slaves.
LOG - Harvesting the mikans
Robert - Sometimes what we wish for is the most impossible.
December 2011
Selphie - idkmybffSelphie
Azusa - I think idols are my type
Richard - birthday party shenanigans
Ace - All you Ds are show offs
Elicia - I challenge you to a present-off!
Simba - What do you mean talking lions aren't normal?
Hinata - A Christmas Special. Now with more hearts.
Van - So you any good at cooking?
Haruhi - my not!niece is adorably terrifying.
Mega Man - Tales from the sea.
LOG - Pre Draft
LOG - Draft - Nothing brings nakama together like starving
Lindsay - aftermath
Madoka - Merry Christmas bracelets
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