Today my comrads and I ventured out into the evil that is cold, and enjoyed the pleasure of an onigiri. An onigiri is a rice ball, wrapped in seaweed, with a tid bit of cod roe, tuna, or salmon embedded within. In layman's terms, an orgasm in my mouth
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The storm has seemingly died down. The calm before another surprise storm, perhaps. I don't know, but I'm trying to enjoy the silence before rage ignites again.
On an entirely different note. I feel terribly creative, but have nowhere to let it out. Tomorrow, I'm going to glue my camera to my forehead, and see what it takes photos of.
A few moments ago I was off on my own tangent of emotional destruction. I was very disturbed at the fact that everything was going right, and I had nothing to do with it. Funny how I can't be content with the way things are. Perhaps this is the nature of always be dissatisfied... No. Nope, I disgaree. I think it's just myself that is
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Today I thought of sophistication, caviar and expensive red wine in Italy.
Today I saw many thirteen year old mallrats, in scanty black clothes, with mutli-colored hair, sucking their faces off on non-lit cigarettes
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I've forgotten how much fun it is to settle in one of Borders lush cushion chairs, with a good book in hand, and some of their sickeningly delicious chai. No disturbances, quiet as a library...swept away into a land of dreams and fantasies.
...and every year I tell myself, it would be a terrific year, where I would work hard, and enjoy the fruits of my hard labor. Yet, ever year..I find myself procrastinating, and facing an expected failure.
This year, I am telling myself, once again: HARD WORK AND ENJOY THE FRUITS OF LABOR.
Lets hope this year...I will actually listen to myself.
Getting lost and ending up in a small, cozy cafe in a little artsy town is terrific. Sitting inside and looking through the window of the nice painting store across the street reminds me of how really suburban my hometown is.
Vacation is great, but boredom sucks the greatness out of it. Fortunately, tomorrow I have dates with excitement and plea
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