Title: The Boys of Summer
Pairings: Hanchul ,Kangin/Girl!Teuk , Kyuhyun/Girl!Sungmin(more pairings to come)
Rating: PG-13
Status: Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior. Or China. Or Korea.
Summary: AU. The epic summer of 1999 told via letters from Kim Heechul to Han Geng and back.
Letters 1 & 2 (
Dearest Han Geng who has at last written proving that he has in fact not joined a travelling Chinese circus as their new monkey (which would at least have been interesting), )
Comments 42
I wanna suggest Kyumin for the future. Why? Because it's my otp because kyu's snark would be excellent :D
As for that, refer to #4 in Heenim's list. XD And yes, Kyu is a snarker extraordinaire. ^^
"What in the name of Mama Han’s dumplings"
This is officially the greatest phrase ever XD
Keep on updating and I'll be waiting ^_^
[Oh and future pairings, anything with Wookie would satisfy me greatly because he is FIERCE as hell ahaha]
Much love =D
Wookie will make an appearance soon...ish. :D
*gobbles up love*
I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK BB. Heenim better make it happen. :D
^ Brilliant!
Heechul is great! I want to quote the whole end of his letter (and many more parts, this is hilarious!), it was just like Heechul is. Crazy and funny ~
Waiting for more :3 (what a short comment *sorry*)
Heenim makes everything hilarious. SERIOUSLY. LOL. ^^
Thanks for liking this bb! ^^
:| -sticks in her bais- eunhae! letters form hae would be HILARIOUS. :3
But they will be making an appearance. Thanks for reading bb. ^^
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