Aug 21, 2019 19:36


Weather: Warm days, verging on hot as the month progresses, with warm nights. While rain is frequent in the early days of the month, these slowly cease as the wet season comes to an end.
Flora: Fruits and vegetables are plentiful in the Larder. Wildflowers are blooming anywhere that there's sun and water - Centralia, the Larder, and even parts of Mushroom Kingdom - but these start to thin out towards the end of the month and the start of summer.
Fauna: There's an influx of small mammals and reptiles as they begin to fatten up after hibernation. Many of the larger mammals, especially Chocobos, Caterpacas, and Geepies, have had their young - by now, they're growing stronger and can be seen more frequently. With the increase in wildflowers, insects such as butterflies and bees have become a common sight.


Omphalotus date
Real-world date

6th May
4th-10th July

7th May
11th-17th July

8th May
18th-24th July

9th May
25th-31st July

10th May
1st-7th August

11th May
8th-14th August

12th May
15th-21st August

13th May
22nd-28th August

14th May
29th August-4th September


SEE JOHAN FAIL (or: hey, there are new caves here!) 12th May
What: Johan fails forever. THE LARDER IS BURNT ALL TO HELL and hey, there are new caves in there with STUFF!
When: All day
Where: Johan is burning down the Larder. Well, part of it. And then there will be new caves beneath it. WHEE.
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<*u>When: TIME OF DAY (including 'All day')
<*u>Where: SPECIFIC PLACE, ELSE 'Everywhere' OR 'Caves' OR 'Topside' OR 'via Mercury'
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