(no subject)

Oct 19, 2009 17:00


1. Don't be a dick. We're all adults here, so please act like one. Immature and rude behavior gets nobody very far, after all. This includes behavior of the trolling/flaming/harassing variety. If someone has been flaming, harassing, or trolling you, please contact us and we'll deal with the offender. If we find you have been harassing another player, we will ban you from the game.

On a related note, disputes happen. We know they happen. Please try to resolve them diplomatically. If that isn't possible, please contact a mod, and we'll try to work things out. We want our game to be enjoyable for everyone, after all.

2. This game is an English-language game. We'd like to keep it that way. The occasional typo is forgiven, and we're not going to say you can't play if English isn't your first language, but please try to keep things to a certain standard. Things like chatspeak and the like are not acceptable. Just because it's an online hobby, it's not an excuse to be lazy. If you're not so sure about how something is spelled, Livejournal has a handy little tickybox next to the "more options" button on the comment form that says "check spelling and preview".

3. IC vs OOC. With a game based heavily on alternate universe characters, minor characters, and original characters, inevitably there's going to be a fair bit of characterization that may not seem quite right. So, moreso than trying to keep characters in-character, try to keep them believable, and above all, consistent. If you apply for an alternate universe Luke Skywalker who's been raised by Darth Vader instead of Owen and Beru, he's clearly going to be characterized differently. Just keep that different characterization consistent. And try to keep in mind key traits! An alternate universe Link might be a cynical hoodie-wearing street kid, but he's still going to be courageous.

4. The age limit is now sixteen. No, we don't plan on negotiating with anyone to lower this further. Please note that players under eighteen are not permitted to write out adult content in-game. This includes anything R-rated or higher. Any underage players who do so, along with players over eighteen who willingly and knowingly play out adult scenes with a minor, will receive an instant ban from the game. If you feel you must play it out, take it elsewhere. We're not going to deal with it here. Lying about your age or using a sockpuppet journal to get around this rule will get you instantly banned from the game.

5. No metagaming and godmoding. Don't do it. Seriously.

Metagaming is using information that the player might know but the character could not possibly be aware of. Basically, everything you read in-game is not necessarily something your character would know unless they had a logical or reasonable way of finding out.

Godmoding is controlling someone else's character without permission, or controlling the outcome of a situation without input from another player. For example, attacking a character and stabbing them in the gut would be considered godmoding.

6. Our current character limit is four. Depending on the size of the game, and player demand, we may consider raising this limit. As of now, only players that have proven they are capable of handling all their characters will be considered for being allowed more.

7. Let's talk about sex. Yes, it's going to happen. Yes, we do allow it. But please try to remember that there is such thing as plot and character development outside of getting laid. If you choose to play it out, rate, warn and lock entries appropriately. We're not going to do it for you. If we find that people are abusing this privilege, we will ask that those players either tone it down, or take it elsewhere. As stated above in rule #4, players under eighteen may not play out graphic sex scenes. Doing so will result in an instant ban of all players involved.

8. We do allow PB's for character icons. PB stands for "played by" for those of you unfamiliar with the term. We realize that in allowing original, alternate universe, and other character variations, canon materials are not always suitable for icons. All we ask is that you use your common sense with these. If someone is using a certain PB for their character, try to avoid using that same PB for your own, to keep confusion between characters to a minimum. Also try to avoid using characters from popular canons as PB's for an original character, even if you think they'd be a perfect representation of the character. We want to avoid confusion as much as possible. We do not require players to use a PB for alternate universe characters, nor do we limit players of canon characters to strictly canon source material.

Additionally, while we don't require it, it's common courtesy to give credit where credit is due. If you use an icon someone else made, try and credit their journal in the comments section of that userpic.

9. We seriously discourage playing only with oneself. Some people refer to this as "playercest". We want you to play with other people, not yourself. If you absolutely must thread with yourself, keep it to a bare minimum, and don't make a habit of it. It's not something that will get you insta-banned, but if it happens too frequently, a mod will talk to you about it and possibly ask that you reconsider your character choices.

10. While we do not actively disallow people to use sockpuppet journals, we do not encourage the use of them. If we find out a player is using a sockpuppet to get around our age limit, that player will be instantly banned. If the sockpuppet is being used to get around the character limit, the player will receive a warning and the excess characters removed from the game. Sockpuppet accounts should only be used to preserve player anonymity, and game mods must be notified by the journal's owner of any intent to use such a journal.

11. Canon-puncturing and fourth-wall breaking are allowed if it's canon for the character to do so. However, if it is not, then please avoid doing so. As a general rule, ask the player for permission, before doing so. Canon-puncturing and fourth-wall breaking refer to characters being aware of, or referring to themselves or others as fictional.

12. We require all players to post a permissions post in their character journals or on the HMD community. This is so that other players know what they can or cannot do to your character. When in doubt, ask, don't assume.

13. Please try to stay active. We know muses sometimes just don't cooperate, and sometimes real life comes and bites you in the behind, but we'd really appreciate it if you let us know what's going on. If you know you're going to be gone for a while, or that a muse is being uncooperative, please comment on the Hiatus & Drop post.


Thanks to netherworld_rpg, there is an excellent resource guide for newbies and vetrans alike. The post can be found here, and it gives a run-down on basic Livejournal Roleplay etiquette, common terminology, and links to a number of excellent resources.

Premise | Rules | General FAQ | Applications FAQ | Submit an Application | Map and Locations | Living Environment | Fungus, Flora & Fauna Guide
Taken | Reserved | Wanted | Hiatus & Drop | Permissions | Contact List (Locked) | Complaints/Concerns
Directory | Mercury | Logs | OOC | HMD | Musebox | Omphalotus OOC Chat


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