"I suddenly felt disgusted to think that I was sitting in this lousy little closet that smelt like a garbage dump, disgusted by the fact that I'd just drunk cheap port from a dirty glass, that the entire immense country in which I lived was made up of lots and lots of these lousy little closets where there was a smell of garbage and people had just
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I should mention that it keeps snowing, and keeps getting cold, and everybody is so bitter and annoyed and sick of it, but I can't help but smile. I can't help but think of fall. I can't help but hope that it lasts as late into the year as possible. :D I think I look great in my jacket.
I've arrived at this quasi-conclusion that I'm excessively introspective because I frequently struggle with wondering which of two extremes I am. For example, am I too nice, or am I too mean? Am I too negative, or am I too positive? Am I an awkward person, or are other people the awkward ones? I feel like I wouldn't pass back and forth on these
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Regarding "Against School" and design and typography:
Our class readings for week three in Critical Writing II were "Against School" by John Taylor Gatto and Colter's Way by Sebastian Junger but for this entry, I'm just going to be focusing on "Against School."
I could tell immediately that this essay had some potential because it's title sounded
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My stupid dog died yesterday. I don't really understand why my entire life has to fall apart at the same time, because I really feel like I deserve some amount of time to rebuild things before being torn down again.
I guess all there is left to do at this point is go to sleep, but I'm not exactly tired. Is this what television is for? Why do I feel so lonely all the time? Why doesn't everybody feel like this all the time?
And for some reason, every night... or every morning, really, after I fall asleep for the second time, I have these dreams about bright, sunny rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows and these long, sheer, flowing curtains
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