Mar 23, 2028 04:14

My haiga in James W.Hackett's web site

My web site Kankodori

Haiga Pages: Contemporary Poets : Origa Haiga Gallery in collaboration with Ashe Wood; with haiku page

My gallery in the Gallery of contemporary haiga artists

Portfolio in the WHR, 2004

Publication in World Haiku Review 5-1 (2 haiga)

Publication in World Haiku Review 5-1, General Haiku - Zatsui
and Publication in World Haiku Review 5-1, Themed Haiku - Best (two haiku sequences)

Publication in World Haiku Review 5-1, Neoclassical - Best

Publication in World Haiku Review 5-1, Shintai Haiku - Best

Also, in the WHR 5-1 more of my haiku and senryu:


First publication in Simply Haiku, 2003

Cat Gallery in Simply Haiku, 2004

Ceramic haiga in Simply Haiku, 2005

Six Traditional Haiga in Simply Haiku, 2006

Seven Traditional Haiga in Simply Haiku, 2007

My poetry page on WHA website (in English, Russian, Japanese)

Haigaonline Spring/Summer 2004

Haigaonline Autumn/Winter 2004

Haigaonline Spring/Summer 2005

Haigaonline Spring/Summer 2007

Haiga Online -- a new seasonal gallery 2007

Haigaonline issue 8-2, autumn/winter 2007-2008  ( haiga )

Haiga in Haiku Stvarnost , and Ten haiga in Haiku Stvarnost, 2007(in English and Serbian)

2 haiku sequences in LYNX (Losing a Pet, and Just One Autumn Day)

Contemporary Haibun Online (CHO), March 2007, vol 3 no 1 (four haibun)

Haiga in Lishanu (in English and Russian)

Haiku in Lishanu (in English and Russian)

Gunsaku in Lishanu (English, Russian)

Haibun 1 in Lishanu (English, Russian)

Haibun 2 in Lishanu (English, Russian)

Haiga in the Reeds Haiga Gallery

Haiku in Tempslibres Database (in English and French)

Haibun in Tempslibres Database ( find it in the Tempslibres site: To read ... Pages of writing Sequences, Offprints )

Haiku in the Clouds Peak magazine

Haiku in Tiny Words and this one

Haiku in the Haiku Anhtology by Laryalee's Fraser

Two sumi-e in the "8th Annual Painting, Drawing & Print International Online Juried Art Exhibition", 2006 - 2007.

Several Haiga by Origa in the Modern Haiga magazine 2008

Haiku in Asahi Shimbun ; also November 7, 2008 , December 5, 2008 ,

Haiku in Mainichi Daily News



Shinzounokodou: a Journal if Fine Haiku, 2004, #1 and #3 (haiku, cover illustration)

Belfast Newspaper LA, Dublin, Ireland, April 26, 2004 (haiku)

World Haiku Anthology 2005, 2006, 2007, edited by World Haiku Association, Japan (haiku, haiga)

Hermitage. A Haiku Journal. 2004, 2005, 2006. (haiku, haibun)

Reeds: Contemporary Haiga. #2 - 2004, #3 - 2005. (haiga)

Dasoku, 2004 Spring (haiku, haiga)

Haikumena, 2004 (haiku, haibun, translations)

Yellow Moon, 2004, #16 (haiku); 2006, #20 (haiku)

Frogpond, 2005, #3 (haiku) ;  2010 (renku); 2011 (renku)

The Heron's Nest, 2005, volume VII (section illustration); 2006, June (haiku)

Modern Haiku, issue 38:1, winter 2006-2007 (haiku); issue 38.2 summer 2007 (haiku); issue 39:2, summer 2008 (haiku); issue 40:2, summer 20009 (haiku, 2 haiga)

Eucalypt: a tanka journal, #1, winter 2006 - 2007 (two tanka); #2, spring 2007 (two tanka)

Kusamakura: The Award Winning Haiku Magazine, 2006, Japan (haiku)

Moonset: Haiku and Tanka, journal 1, issue 2, 2005 (haiga in collaboration);

Moonset: The newspaper, v.3 issue 1, spring/summer 2007 (haiku, haiga);  v.3 issue 2, autumn/winter 2007 (haiku, haiga, tanka);  v.4 issue1, spring/summer 2008 (featured article, haiku, haiga);  v.4 issue 2, autumn/winter 2008 ("Featured Artist" - article about me, two haiga, a blurb about my illustration ofr cover of the anthology Among the Lilies) ;  v.5 issue 1 (two haiga);  v.5 issue 2 (haiga, article on James Hackett's birthday); v.6, issue 1 -- final issue, 2010 (haiga in collaboration; renku).

White Lotus: A journal of short Asian verse and haiga: issue #5, fall/winter 2007(two tanga); issue #6, spring/summer 2008 (tanka); issue #8, spring/summer 2009 (two tanga); issue #9, fall/winter 2009 (two haiga)

Contemporary Haibun, an annual anthology from Red Moon Press (printed edition), 2007, v.8 (two haibun)

Among the Lilies. International Anthology of haiku and related forms, published by Shadow Poetry, USA 2008 (cover illustration; 11 haiku, haiga, and tanka)

Modern Haiga 2008 (two haiga)

Asahi Weekly newspaper, a Sunday supplement of the Asahi Shimbun: October 5th, 2008; July 5, 2009

Perspective, October 2008, # 8 (51), bilingual newspaper, by Association Franco-Russe "Perspectives" (  http://perspectiva.free.fr/ ) in Marseille, France

The Dragonfly, the newsletter of the Haiku Poets of Central Maryland, 2009

South by Southeast: Haiku and Haiku Arts : v.XVI n.1 (haiku); v.XVI n.2 (haiku, haiga); v.XVI n.3 (haiku)

Moonbathing. A journal of women's tanka :  Premiere issue, autumn 2009/winter 2010 (tanka)

Kô haiku magazine, Japan; Vol. 24, # 4, autumn-winter 2009;  Vol. 24, # 10, spring-summer 2010; V.25 # 4, autumn - winter 2010

HSA Anthology-2010 "Sharing the sun" on the theme of Biodiversity (haiku)

HSA Anthology-2011 "In pine shade" (haiku)

Sumi-e in collections

My original sumi-e and prints are in private collections in USA, Russia, France, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, India, Uruguay, Japan, England, Canada, Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Kenia, Italy, Brazil, Israel, Malta. Some of them are gifts, prizes in the "Calico Cat" and other haiku contests, and some are ordered/purchased.

A print of my haiga "Curious Squirrel" is in the Museum of Art in Constantza, Romania.

Original painting/haiga "Early spring" on a shiki-shi board is in the collection of The Japanese Consul General in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

My sumi-e were used as cover or section pages and illustrations in different haiku magazines and anthologies; I am an artist in residence in the "Moonset: Literary newspaper" (Japanese short forms international printed publication).



Original sumi-e and prints, as well as ceramics, T-shorts, cards, and more -- may be purchased on my three online galleries:

Hieroglyph --  http://hiero.ru/Origa

Graphic -- http://graphic.org.ru/hooper.html

Art Wanted   http://www.artwanted.com/Origa

Origa's Facebook  --  Моя страничка на Фэйсбуке.


AWARDS       --      Награды

Kaji Aso International Haiku competition 2004 - First prize and Honorable Mention

16 WHA Haiga Contest 2004 - First Prize

Haiku-Do haiku contest "Christmas Carols" 2005 - First Prize

Haiku Society of America, Harold G. Henderson Haiku Contest 2005 - Honorable Mention

32 WHA Haiga Contest 2006 - First Prize

Yellow Moon International "Seed Pearls haiku contest" 2006 - Commended

First International Haiku Contest "Haiku and Music" 2006, Bulgarian Haiku Club - Commended

Robert Spiess Memorial Award Haiku Competition 2007 - Second prize

Basho Festival 2007 - Selected Haiku

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2007 - Honorable Mention

White Lotus 2008 Readers' Choice Award

12th Mainichi Haiku contest 2008 - Honorable Mention

13 International "Kusamakura" Haiku Competition - Third Prize

2008 "Genkissu! Spirits Up!" Hekinan Haiku Contest - Grand Prix

Mainichi Daily News - Best Haiku 2008

Fifth Annual Anita Sadler Weiss Memorial Haiku Awards-2009 - Second Prize

11th Haiku International Association contest - 2009 - First Prize

Haiku in English: Best of 2009, Mainichi Daily News selection -- Second Place

The Robert Spiess Memorial 2010 Haiku Awards -- Honorable Mention


Since 2004, I am a Founder, Sponsor, Translator, Managing Host and Judge of the biannual International Bilingual CALICO CAT haiku contest

Since April 2007 to its end in 2010, I have been an Artist in Residence for the Moonset.

In 2009, I was a Haiga Editor of the first issue of  Notes from the Jean.

Since April 2010, I am the Founding Editor and Publisher of KANKODORI PRESS


Countries I visited   --  Страны, в которых я была:

personal info

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