thanks to the awsome people on my friends list, that sausage thing is shady so i recomend everyone delete the entry, change your password and delete your cookies, temporary files, and clear your history. according to my sources which, in many cases are very reliable, its a russian trojan.
hey if any of you know any REAL metal drummers and not faggy poser pop-punk emo shit faced cock sucker drummers can you let me know so my band can finally make true-fucking-metal music. its about time someone in our school actually has a band worthy of the title "metal"
1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
Each subseequent fire station you build will give you one additional dispatch unit.
from sim city 3000 unlitimited instruction manual.