took my pee test with another's pee and hopefully it'll all work out yeah? if it's clean, which it should be if candice was telling the truth, then i get my license back in three weeks. werd
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Ok...quick update of the going on's in the life of Panogtor man. So i got this ticket, right? And now i have this court date...which is on June 15th (in case you were wondering)...but me being on probation and given the nature of the ticket (possession of MJ less than 1 oz.) it puts me in violation of probation. which in turn gives me another
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recent news: moved back into my mom's house underneath her radar. so pretty much i sleep in hemet on the weekdays and all my stuff is here but i'm down in PQ almost everyday anyways. for today, i'm staying in hemet so i can fix all my stuff...i.e. do laundry and stuff. joey is here as well. we're gonna come back tomorrow. argh. heart hurts...
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been a long ass time since i've updated this piece of camel feces. recent events: got beer, got pot, got food poisoning, got a job, getting my license back...blah blah blah
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CBS!!!! ASSEMBLE!!!! There are bowls that need to be smoked. there is alcohol that must be consumed. There is parties that must be had!!! LET'S FUCKIN SHOW PQ WHAT CBS IS ABOUT GOD DAMNIT!!!!
FUCK!!! i wasn't trying to argue or anything. i couldn't waste time sitting on a computer talking about something that we all already know. i wasn't even fuckin angry, just irritated..not even cause of you guys. i jsut wanted to go home and be with my friends. that was the top priority in my head. fuck...the one thing that i've always been
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first day of work and i was late. then I got into a car accident. pretty much just a fender bender and i wasn't driving. ate food, smoked pot, and blah blah blah. same old thing except with workage in there. fun fun fun....(insert a big fat raspberry) thbbtbbtbbtbtb!!! werd
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spent all night in the hospital with carlotta. she's doin better now. It's hard for me to think about the details of what happened, mainly because I wasn't there for it...but also because i don't WANT to think about it. everything happenned so fast and sudden
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